Sandwiches It Is

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After the video store, Rory drove home

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After the video store, Rory drove home. When she pulled up her driveway, she saw Billy standing at the front door. Her parents cars weren't in the driveway, because they're at work and straight from work they were going to a work dinner, so they wouldn't be home till later in the night. It's why Rory went to get her favorite movie from Randy.

She got out the car and walked towards the front door to Billy. "What are you doing here, loser?"

"Came to see what you were up to." Billy answered with a hint of a smile.

Rory unlocked the door and walked in with Billy right behind her. "Well, nothing much. Just gonna do some homework then watch a movie."

Billy closed the door behind him. "Where are your parents?"

"Work. Won't be home till late in the night." Rory answered as she was going through the fridge. "You hungry? I can make us some sandwiches or if you're planning on staying longer I can order pizza."

"It's alright. I won't be staying long." Billy said, leaning against the kitchen island.

"Sandwiches it is." Rory smiled. She got out the ingredients needed for the sandwiches and started making it. While she was putting the sandwiches together, Billy was hovering behind her.

"No tomatoes."

"Yeah, yeah. I remember." Rory waved off, trying to ignore how close he was behind her.


After they ate their sandwiches, talking about their day. Billy seemed to look annoyed at the fact that Rory was saying how much she adores Randy for him always lending her free films. Randy grabbing her attention even for a moment was irritating to Billy.

"So you have a thing for Randy?" Billy finally asked, observing the girl across from him. Feigning innocent teasing when really he wants to know what she feels for the nerdy boy.

"What? A thing for Randy?" Rory asked confused.

It only seemed to irritate Billy even more at the girls cluelessness. "You talk so highly of him. It seems like you like the nerd."

"First of all, he's not a nerd. And second, I talk highly about all my friends, including you, dingus." Rory said annoyed.

It was true, the girl loves her friends and was always talking about them to her parents or really just anyone.

"You didn't answer my question, dingus." Billy shot back. He was starting to get bothered how she was dodging the question. He wanted to know—he needed to know.

Rory only sighed. "No, Billy, I don't have a thing for Randy. And so what if I did? Why are you acting like it's a bad thing?"

Billy's jaw clenched at her sudden attitude. He got up from his chair and walked over to her. He pulled her up from hers and glared down at her. "It is a bad thing."

Rory was a mess. She was trying to hide the blush sneaking up her cheeks from the close proximity and the way Billy was looking down at her. She doesn't understand why she always gets this warm feeling whenever he looks at her with such anger.

She know she shouldn't like it, but she just can't help it. "Why?" She feigned annoyed.

"Randy's a dork who doesn't deserve someone like you." Billy said, his voice calming down at the sight of her pink cheeks.

Rory was looking anywhere but him. "I happen to like Randy's dorkieness. Besides it's not like I'm special or anything, Randy's a nice guy. What's wrong with that?"

She didn't know it, but she was only fueling Billy's anger. He was angry at how oblivious she was. Everyone adored the girl, whether they knew her or not, but she doesn't seem to notice. Plus, Billy didn't like how she kept complimenting Randy.

"Are you stupid?"

"What?" Rory asked shocked.

Billy grabbed the girls upper arms, holding her only a few inches from his face. "Why are you always talking about Randy?" He looked at her for an answer, but she wasn't looking his way. He grabbed her chin between his fingers, making her look up at him. "Look at me when I speak to you."

To say Rory was flustered was the half of it. She was surprised by her friends tone and his grip on her chin. She looked up at his piercing gaze. "I don't always talk about him? You were the one that brought him up."

Billy raised his eyebrows at her comment. He knew he had to get out of there, before he did something he might regret. Well, he probably wouldn't regret it, but he needed to stick to the plan first.

It was very hard for Billy to keep his hormones in check when Rory was looking at him with her big doe eyes and the way her lips were slightly pouty because of his grip on her chin.

He only sighed. "Forget what I said. All I'm saying is you deserve the world, Aurora." Billy released his grip and grabbed his jacket. Before he opened the front door he smirked, "See you tomorrow, princess." Billy used the nickname him and Stu always call her, because of her name being after a disney princess.

Rory would never admit it, but she loved the nickname. Only they could call her that.

Rory was left still standing in the kitchen staring at the front door where Billy once was. She was sure she was red and she was confused why he was acting so strange. Not that she minded, but it just made her flustered and when he grabbed her face Rory was thinking like a thirteen year old hormonal boy.

'See you tomorrow, princess'. Rory didn't think she'd get so happy at those four words. Little did she know, she would see her two best friends real soon.

𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑩𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒍𝒚 ~ Stu Macher & Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now