Hi Girls

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It was the next day after Rory and Billy's confession

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It was the next day after Rory and Billy's confession. The girl had made it quite clear she didn't want to be around the boy for a while. She's currently in the school bathroom stall using the toilet. She hears the bathroom door open and someone walks in.

"They were never attacked. I think they made it all up." A girl said from another stall on her right.

"Why would they lie about it?" Another girl asked from a stall.

"For attention! They both have some serious issues." The first girl said flushing the toilet. Rory heard someone go into the stall on her left. She had no clue what the two girls were talking about, nor did she care.

"What if she did it?" The first girl left the stall. "What if Sidney and Aurora killed Casey and Steve?"

Rory's ears perked up at her and her friend's name. She decided to stand in her stall to listen to what they were saying. "Why would they do that?" The second girl asked.

"Maybe Sidney had the hots for Steve and I think Aurora had a thing for Casey. She was always overly nice to the girl. And they teamed up killing the couple in a jealous rage." Rory's eyes went wide at hearing the girl's accusations.

"Aurora maybe, but what would Sidney want with Steve? She has her own bubble-butt boyfriend, Billy." The second girl left the stall. Rory felt her blood boiling at what these pathetic girls were saying.

"Maybe she's a slut just like her mother."

"You're evil."

"Please, it's a common fact. Her mother was a tramp."

That was Rory's tipping point. She opened up the stall not even glancing at the two girls' shocked faces, knowing they were caught in the act. Rory washed her hands in the sink while saying, "Hi, girls. How are you doing?"

The blonde Rory recognized from her English class, Becky, nervously said, "Um, good, you?"

After drying her hands, Rory was fixing her hair in the mirror while sweetly saying with a hint of venom in her words, "Oh, I'm doing good. Just planning my next murder and all."

"What?" The brunette girl behind Becky asked shocked.

Rory kept fixing her hair not even glancing at the two girls, "Well, that's what you both have been gossiping about the whole time. I'm curious though, do you always talk about stuff you don't know?"

The blonde scoffed and was about to retort before Rory cut her off, "Actually, don't answer that question. Sometimes, I help our English teacher grade papers and I've come across your work many times, Betty." Rory said the girl's name wrong on purpose.

"It's Bec-"

Rory cut her off, finally turning her body towards the girls, "I don't care. But as I was saying, I've graded your assignments, and yikes, Betty. I now see education is not for everyone apparently." Rory looked behind Becky, looking at the brunette girl, "How bout instead of talking shit, you help your friend study"

The two girls were left with their jaws hanging, not knowing what to say. Rory turned towards the mirror again, adjusting her necklace. She sweetly said, "You both should probably head to class. Betty over here, can't afford another F. Have a great day!"

The girls rushed out with offended looks on their faces, while Rory chuckled under her breath. She turned around when she heard a stall open. She was shocked when she saw her brunette friend with a tear-stained face. "Sid?"

Sidney just rushed into the girl's arms not saying a word, just wanting to hug her friend for what she did. Rory hugged back instantly for a moment and then pulled the girl off with her hands holding her face, "What's wrong, Sid? Were you here the whole time?"

Sidney just nodded her head and sniffled, softly saying, "Thank you."

Rory was confused about why she was thanking her. She was also worried Sid heard what those two dumb girls said about her. She furrowed her brows asking, "Thank you? What for?"

Sidney just looked into Rory's confused brown eyes and weakly smiled, "For standing up to those mean girls."

Rory just softly laughed, "Well someone had to put those losers in their place." Her expression softened before saying, "I'm assuming you heard what they said about you." Sidney slowly nodded causing Rory to sigh, "Don't listen to them, Sid. They're just being stupid girls talking nonsense. We both know what actually happened and that's all that matters."

Rory felt it was the least she could do. She kissed her boyfriend twice now and she felt extremely guilty for it, even if they were on the outs, it still wasn't right. Rory would gladly defend Sidney any day of the week whenever she needed. She wanted to be a better friend.

Sidney sighed letting her body relax. "You're right."

Rory just smirked, "I'm always right." Sidney just laughed while Rory tucked a strand of her friend's hair behind her ear, "Now, no more crying, alright?"

"Okay." Sidney agreed, hugging her friend again. They both pulled apart when they heard their names whispered in the air. Sidney asked, "Did you hear that?"

Rory just shrugged pointing her head towards the vent on the wall, "Probably just the a.c."

That was good enough for Sidney as she grabbed her bag putting it over her shoulder, before hearing their names whispered again. The two looked at each other and Rory finally acknowledge the whispers, "Is someone there?"

Sidney looked under the stalls to see if anyone was there but saw nothing. They both got tense and stared at a stall near the door. They saw a pair of boots lower to the ground with a falling black robe covering the mysterious person's boots. "Oh shit," Rory said under her breath as they saw the latch from the stall slowly open.

"Run," Sidney whispered. The two girls were about to run when Ghostface popped out of the stall. Sidney ducked under him as he ran, causing the killer to hit the sink. That gave Rory enough time to run past the killer. While Ghostface got back up and was about to lunge at the two, Rory grabbed the trashcan and threw it at him, shouting, "Fuck you!" The trashcan hit the killer in the face giving enough time for the two brunette girls to run out of the bathroom heading straight for the principal's office.

hi guys!! just wanted to let yk that i posted another chapter from my kai parker fanfic!! hope u like it :))
don't forget to comment and vote 💋

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