Billy Boy

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Later in the day, Billy brought pizza to Rory's place

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Later in the day, Billy brought pizza to Rory's place. The two were now sitting on the couch a few inches apart, watching the Bride of Chucky playing on the t.v. Billy wasn't a fan of the movie but watched it because Rory loved it. Billy would do anything for the girl he loves.

Rory was content. She was watching one of her favorite movies with her best friend. Her parents are next door having dinner with their neighbors. The Bloom parents thought it was safe for Rory to be at home since Billy was there with her. Because Aurora Bloom always felt safe with the brunette boy. Which is exactly what Billy wanted.

"I still don't understand why you like this movie, Ror." Billy groaned looking at the movie in front of him.

Rory turned her head to look at him with a duh look. "Because it's funny, obviously."

Billy just rolled his eyes. "Exactly. It's supposed to scare you, not make you laugh."

"Well, I used to be terrified of Chucky when I was younger if that makes you feel better." The girl remembered watching the movie for the first time and that was the day her fear of dolls started. Now, that she's older, she laughs at how silly her fear was of the stupid doll.

"Why would that make me feel better?" The boy chuckled.

"Because you keep complaining." Rory shrugged her shoulders, staring at the t.v.

"I'm not complaining." Billy looked offended.

"Just watch the movie, Billy Boy." Rory used the nickname she knew annoyed her friend.

Billy just simply rolled his eyes at the nickname but had a small smile on his face.


"Thank you for hanging with me," Rory said as she stood near the front door, her hand near the handle.

Billy was across from the girl with the left side of his body facing the door. "No, thank you, for making me feel better, princess."

The girl rocked on her heels with her hands behind her back. She always loved when the boy made her feel appreciated. Rory was obsessed with any kind of praise. "Well, it's the least I could do, since you were accused of murder." Rory laughed at the last part.

Billy looked amused at the girl's laughter at him being in a jail cell. "What's so funny?"

Rory realized she was laughing and instantly cleared her throat, trying to look serious. "Nothing. Just, uh--thought of something funny is all."

"Well, what was it?" The boy continued to question.

The brunette tried to keep her composure, but instantly started giggling. "I'm sorry! It's just...I can picture you sitting in a jail cell with an annoyed look on your face. God! I even pictured you in a prison uniform and let me tell look funny in orange."

Billy slowly walked closer to her, only a few inches apart. He put his finger under her chin lifting it. Rory instantly stopped laughing when she realized how close the boy was. Billy leaned in and whispered, "What? Cats got your tongue?"

Rory felt frozen on the spot. When she looked into his brown eyes, she felt like time was moving slowly. Like everything around them was slowly disappearing. The only thing there was the handsome boy in front of her, who was staring right back into her brown eyes.

Billy never felt so in love with a person. Sure he once loved Sidney, before he found out about her mother and his father's affair, but Billy never loved Sidney like he loved Rory. He realized his attraction towards the girl during their freshmen year of high school when Rory bloomed into a beautiful young teenager. Her kind, sarcastic, and snappy personality only lured the boy even more. Billy Loomis realized he loved Aurora Bloom when his mother left him because Rory was the only person who was by his side for weeks just to make sure he was okay. Rory knew how much her friend loved his mom and when she found out the woman abandoned him, she was beyond angry at Mrs. Loomis. She couldn't understand how a mother could leave her only child behind. It's why she stuck by his side no matter how many times the boy told her he was fine, but she knew he was far from it.

Billy didn't care about what Stu had to say, because in that moment all he wanted to do was kiss the girl he loves. So he just went for it and put his hand on her cheek, observing her face like it was the last time he'd ever see it.

It felt like Rory was stuck to the floor, she had no idea what to do. But, Billy's hand felt so comforting and warm against her cheek, she couldn't help but lean into his touch. Rory didn't know what was happening or what she was doing, but it was like her body had a mind of its own. Rory started to slowly lean in as well, looking at Billy with her loving doe eyes.

And in a second the childhood best friends kissed. The second their lips met, Rory felt her stomach fill with butterflies. She felt safe, and loved, she felt free. Billy, on the other hand, was built with excitement. He's been obsessed with the girl for so long and finally being able to kiss her brought him so much happiness. He didn't know what he loved more--having a bloody knife in his hands from his devious actions or having the beautiful brunette girl against his body.

The cute innocent kiss only escalated by the second. It was like the second their lips met, they needed more. Billy pushed the girl against the door, making Rory let out a small gasp, that gave the boy a chance to slip his tongue in her mouth. The two fought for dominance, but in the end, Billy won--she would always submit to him.

Her hands were running through his brown locks, tugging a bit making the boy groan. His hands were gripping her hips as he pulled from the kiss, kissing her jaw and down her neck. Rory let a small moan escape her lips causing the boy to smirk against her neck.

Rory had never kissed anyone, so much as gone on a date with a boy. Sure some boys asked her out in middle school, but that stopped once she reached high school. She had no clue why. It made her feel insecure that she wasn't pretty enough, but what she didn't know was that Billy and Stu would threaten any boy they knew had a crush on the girl to stay away or they would be beaten to a pulp.

Billy's hormones were all over the place. He wanted more, but he knew his girl wasn't ready for that. Now, Billy Loomis was never a patient man, but for her, he'd wait forever. He pulled his lips away from hers, both breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath. When he looked down at her he saw how flushed her face was and how her lips were pink and pouty.

Rory looked away in embarrassment. She didn't know if Billy liked the kiss since that was her first one. She never thought it be a heated makeout session with her best friend, but life is full of wonders. The boy noticed her get shy again and he turned her head to face him with his finger. She looked up at him and he only smiled, like a real genuine smile, which you don't see on Billy's face normally.

The boy leaned in and kissed her again, but this time a sweet gentle kiss that lasted only a few seconds. When he pulled from her lips, he smiled at her and said, "Goodnight, Aurora."

Billy opened the front door as Rory said, "Night, Billy."

Rory closed the door and laid her head against the door. She let out a sigh with a grin growing on her flustered face. She knew her feelings for her best friend were more than platonic, she just didn't know how to act on it.

i made billy the first kiss, but just wait....

also vote and comment!! id love to hear ur feedback and thoughts!!

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