He's A Dick

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The next day, Billy was walking down the school hallways until he was pulled into an empty classroom. Billy shoved off whoever grabbed him, though he knew who it was. When he looked up he saw an enraged blonde.

Billy only smirked, "You alright there, buddy?"

Stu backed up from the boy, hair tussled from running his hands through it out of frustration. "What happened last night?"

The smirk only grew on the brunette's face if that was even possible. "What do you mean?"

Stu stormed up to his friend and said, "You know what I'm talking about. What happened with you and Rory?"

"Oh, now I see. Though I don't think you'd wanna know." Billy chuckled.

The blonde gripped Billy's shirt and raised his voice, "Tell me."

Billy shrugged Stu off him and asked with a menacing look, "You sure?"

Stu didn't know what he was going to hear or how it would affect him, but he knew he needed to know what happened between the two. "Yes."

Billy then explained what happened the night prior. He even gave details knowing it would bother the boy. Jealousy and anger were building inside Stu, steam practically coming out of his ears. His anger only seemed to grow when he saw that stupid smirk on his friend's face.

Stu quickly got out of there, purposely bumping into Billy's shoulder on the way out. Stu wasn't mad that Billy loved the girl, no, he was mad that he was her first kiss. That he took that chance away from him. Stu cursed himself for not interfering, but he knew he had to do something. If Billy was going to do what he wanted then so was he. Stu Macher went searching for Tatum Riley with a determined look on his face.


Rory was on her way to the fountain for lunch, but before she went to the bathroom. When she walked in she heard sniffling coming from a stall. Rory was worried so she went up to the stall and softly asked, "Hey, is everything okay? Do you need anything?"

"No, just leave me alone."

Rory recognized that voice. "Tate? Is that you? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine, Rory." The girl sniffled.

"Tate, you're crying in a bathroom stall. You're not fine. You don't have to tell me what happened, but I'm going to wait right here to make sure you're okay."

The blonde behind the stall weakly smiled. She tried to put herself together and opened the stall meeting Rory's concerned face. The second Tate looked at her friend she cracked and ran into her arms sobbing on her shoulder.

Rory's heart was breaking at hearing her friend's cries. She had no clue why she was crying. "What's wrong, Tate?" The brunette softly ran her fingers through the girl's blonde hair.

"Stu--broke up w-with m-me." Tatum sobbed out.

Rory's eyes widened, surprised by what she heard. She snapped out of her curious thoughts and shushed the girl soothingly. One hand softly ran up and down her friend's back, the other through her hair. "Shh. It's okay, Tate. Do you wanna talk about it?"

After a few seconds of Tatum clinging onto the girl, she finally pulled from the hug and looked up at her friend. "Stu gave me some bullshit excuse that he has to focus on school and football. He said he felt like the spark between us was gone and that we needed to break up."

Rory wiped the blonde's tears with her thumbs as she softly said, "I'm so sorry, Tate. You don't deserve that. You deserve way better. He's a dick."

Tatum only smiled and hugged the girl again, not wanting to let go. Rory hugged back trying to comfort her friend. She was pissed at Stu for breaking her friend's heart the way he did. He gave her some lame excuse. She wanted to know why he did it. She also wanted to yell at him for being such a dick. Who would ever want to hurt her bubbly blonde friend?

i'm sorry, i had to break stu and tate up. it needed to be done in order for stu and rory's relationship to grow. poor tate, but don't worry i'm doing a little twist with how she feels towards the break up after.

𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑩𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒍𝒚 ~ Stu Macher & Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now