Chapter 3: Taking you home

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It was the next morning,

Most of the night continued to be pretty much a blur. However, you could remember some parts of it. Like when you became even more drunk and even attempted to strip down to your underwear at one point, was what you were told.

"No I did not." you denied, not remembering any of it. "YES YOU DID!" Ramona and Abel yelled at you from the driver and passenger seat. "I don't remember." you said, crossing your arms and leaning back into the backseat.  "You both need to shut the fuck up because Ramona do you even remember the way you behaved when you were dancing?!" you leaned forward. "Yeah actually, I do." she lied.

You rolled your eyes and leaned back into your seat in defeat, playing with the drawstrings of your grey cargos.

"So who took me home that night?"

They both looked at eachother...


The night felt slow, you were dancing with a red cup in your hand. Your hands rubbing all over your body, as your hips swayed. You were having a good time before you were interrupted.

A voice called behind you over the music, you turn around, strands of your hair covering your eyes. You saw Tom, leaning down to speak into your ear.

"I gotta take you and Bill home now, everyone else is drunk." he told you, feeling his warm breathe on your bare shoulder. You looked up at him, "But I'm having funnn!" you said, grabbing his hands and wrapping them around your waist, your hips moving.

"Y/n I have to take you now, seriously." he pulled his hands away from your waist, and latched his hand onto your wrist, pulling you away from the crowd. "Noooo! Let me go! I said let me go NOW!" you pulled your arm away from him aggressively and roughly enough to cause your drink to spill over your shirt. Your mouth fell open, looking down at the liquid dripping down your chest and stomach, into your skirt and down your thighs. You scoffed, "ugh Tom fuck you!" you yelled, tossing the plastic cup onto the floor and you were about to return back to dancing.

But Tom began to become annoyed and decided to just carry you instead. He linked his arm around your waist, the other around your legs. "Put me down RIGHT NOW!" you shrieked, slapping his back. He made his way over to the front door, where Bill waited there for you two, he was drunk too.

Tom did a motion with his head to leave, as you three exited the party. The cold breeze hit you, as you only were in a black lace tank top and jean skirt, your thin sheer top from earlier tied around your waist. "Oh shit..." Tom said, pressing his lips together in frustration. "I forgot about paparazzi." he told you two. "It's fucking cold!" you cried, goosebumps growing across your arms and legs. Tom scoffed, dragging you by arm to the car, trying his best to be as quick as he could. The paparazzi yelled out your names, taking photos of you in a complete mess, a very drunk Bill with lipstick stains and hickeys over his face and neck, and an annoyed Tom who just wanted to go home.

He guided you into the backseat, opening the door for you and holding your hand to help you inside. As soon as you got in, you laid down across the seats and passed out. Bill hopped into the passenger seat, his head was throbbing. Tom shut the door when you entered and hopped into the drivers seat.

He began to drive, his hand on the steering wheel, every now and then he'd glance back at you to make sure you were okay, as you seemed to be quiet but you were just tired and drunk. "She's gonna be a nightmare to take home..." he complained. Bill laughed, his head leaning against the window.

Bill quickly rolled down the window, and threw up outside. "You better not get any of that on the car." he warned. Bill just continued to vomit. You woke up in the black leather carseats, sitting up and pulling your skirt down. You moaned and mumbled to yourself, saying shit that didn't make any sense.

"Uh-huh." was all Tom said whenever you spoke even though he had no idea what you were talking about. He tried to not laugh at how stupid you sounded. The car reached at a stoplight, and you noticed the marks Bill was covered in.

"Ohhh looks like someone had fun tonight.." you teased Bill, he laughed. "I can't even remember any of it, honestly." he responded. You laughed. Bill tried to rub the lipstick stains away, but they just left red and pink smudged marks.

You has finally made it to your house. "Stay in here Bill." Tom told Bill, and opened the door for you. He took off his oversized hoodie and was left with a t-shirt underneath. He slipped you into the hoodie, and held your hand to help you exit the car. He closed the door behind you, one hand on your waist guiding you.

You reached your front door. "Keys." he said, you reached into your shirt digging for your key and pulled it out. He rattled the door open. You both entered, the house was dark and quiet. You began to sing the song that played at the party before you left, "y/n, be quiet your family is probably sleeping." Tom whispered. You walked up the stairs, Tom behind you making sure you wouldn't fall. And again, his eyes couldn't help but glance down at how good your ass looked in the skirt as you walked up the stairs, hey it looked at him first, it was right in front of him too.

You opened the door to your bedroom and fell sideways onto your bed, laying on your stomach and rolling onto your back. Your feet hung over the edge of your bed. Tom dragged your feet for you to lay properly on your bed. He slid your boots off, setting them down beside the bed. He pulled the covers down from beneath you. You kept moaning and complaining for him to go away because you wanted to sleep. You pulled your hood over your face and rolled onto your side, as he tucked you in.

She stretched across her bed like a starfish, before curling up into a ball again to sleep. I admired how beautiful and comfortable she looked in my black hoodie, how big it fit on her, nearly reaching her knees. Her hair fell in front of her face, my finger dragged it back, tucking it behind her ear and admired her side profile which was as beautiful as everything else. She yawned, "you can go away now." she said, doing a shooing motion with her hand. I smiled, wishing I could crawl into bed with her and join her. Wishing I could fall asleep with her in my arms, and to wake up to her in my arms the next morning.

"Goodnight beautiful." was all I said, before I closed the door and left her house.

i felt so bored i uploaded a 3rd chapter in one day.. a hways hope y liked it.

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