Chapter 24: Birthday shopping and planning

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"WAIT WAIT WAIT! SLOW DOWN!" Jonah yelled as he held onto the edges of the cart, Abel pushed him as fast as he could around the store. You stood against the end of it, your feet and hands holding onto the cart. "Can you guys behave yourselves for like five minutes?" Ramona scoffed, looking through the headphones section. "Do any of you guys know Travis's favourite colour?" she turned around to ask. We all shook our heads, "it's either red or blue." Abel replied. "I don't think he'll care about the colour that much Ramona, calm down." you said, grabbing a pair of red wireless headphones and handing them to her.

You all finally finished getting your gifts and headed to the party section for decorations.

You threw stuff into the cart as Jonah pushed it. Tossing in Spiderman party hats, Mario party plates and cups, a Sonic pinata and balloons, and some party poppers. You grabbed some red and blue candles too.

Ramona was on the phone to hire a Spiderman themed jumping castle and people to dress up as a Mario, Sonic, and Spiderman. Abel and you found some more decorations and extra gifts and Jonah just lazily pushed the shopping cart.

"Okay, I managed to get the jumping castle but only Mario and Spiderman people to dress up." she told the three of you. "It's fine, that's still good. We're doing more than enough for him." Jonah said, as we headed to the front register to check out.

People in line gathered around to take photos of you all, screaming and shouting your names which attracted the attention of security. They stood in front of the crowd, as you all attempted to scan your stuff as quick as you could and escape.

People continued to follow you even after you were heading to the car park, someone even yanked onto your hair and some tugged onto your clothes refusing to let go so they could get your attention. You tried to say hello to everyone, signing what they wanted to be signed and rushed to take photos. Two boys even asked you to pose by kissing their cheeks in photos, you laughed but did it anyway because why not.

The paparazzi yelled out the most absurd things just to get you to look their way and it was beginning to piss you off.

It was so crowded you began to feel overwhelmed and nervous, you held onto Ramona's arm so you wouldn't get lost.

People continued to grab and touch you, and insulted you when you didn't answer to their calls. You felt anger building up inside of you.

You finally reached the car park, still clinging onto Ramona's arm before you felt someone gripping onto the back of your hair. You turned around and pushed the person away, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" you yelled, staring at the man who just did that. You had finally lost it and began shouting at everyone around you, "CAN YOU ALL MOVE BACK AND GIVE US SOME FUCKING SPACE?!" you yelled, shoving your way through everyone and squeezing into the car.

Abel couldn't even leave, he continuously beeped until there was an opening so the car could move backwards. He quickly sped off, you could still hear everyone yelling at you all.

You and Ramona looked at eachother, bursting out into laughter. "We can't go anywhere anymore." she complained, organising the shopping bags down onto the floor of the car. You looked back to see flashes of light from cameras and a swarm of people chasing the car.

People are actually fucking crazy.

The four of you arrived at Ramona's house, where you were calling and inviting people over, letting them know about the surprise party tomorrow. Ramona called up all of Tokio Hotel, Katrina, her family and other friends, and you invited your friends and family. The four of you called everyone you knew to come and join along.

"I told Travis's mom about the party, she said she'll open the door for us but won't be home for the actual party so we'll have his entire house to ourselves and she said she'll make sure he isn't home while we're preparing the party. I've got speakers, party lights, do you think we'd need a DJ?"

"Nah." you replied.

She nodded, "I'll order a lot of his favourite food and put some drinks for everyone, I want this to be a big party with lots of people. Everything has to be PERFECT."

"Bro this is gonna be the most fun and coolest birthday I've ever been to."

"I know right? We're such amazing friends."

You nodded and smiled at her, "funny how Travis is the youngest but his birthday is the first one every year."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: short filler chapter 4 yall im sorry but the next few chapters are gonna be SOOOO much more interesting dont u worry,

prepare urselves.

hope u enjoyed <3

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