Chapter 42: Wanna go ice skating?

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It was the next morning, you were sitting on a stool, as your mum served you, Larissa, and Miles breakfast. It's been a while since the four of you have eaten together. "Mom told me about Tom." Larissa spilled, as she took a bite of her bacon. Your mouth dropped, "mom!" you yelled, as they both laughed. "You don't look surprised Miles?" your mom questioned. You gave him a 'don't you dare' look, as he smirked and looked at you then back at your mom. "Well, let's just say I knew before you did and Tom sure left a first impression." he joked and you kicked his chair as he laughed. You put your chin onto your hand and stabbed your food with your fork, your cheeks turning pink and you were soo embarrassed.

After you were finished, you had called back Katrina because you had many missed calls and texts from her. "Hi Katrina, I just left early yesterday, no biggie." you explained to her, she scoffed. "y/n when a special event happens that is revolved around your band, you stay. Don't do it again" you hummed in response and hung up. After going through your others texts and calls, Ramona began ringing you, you held the phone up to your ear.

"hi y/n, wanna go ice skating?"

Your eyes lit up and you smiled, "sure! Just us two?" you asked. "No, I've invited everyone else."

"Everyone else as innn...?" "The boys, Bill, Tom, Gustav, Georg, Fiona, Quinn." she listed. "So I'll come pick you up at 1?" she asked, you hummed in response and she ended the call. You placed your phone back down and felt excitement, ice skating seemed so fun and you realised you've only went once before, and it was with Javi.

You scoffed and groaned, he always has a way of coming back into your mind somehow. Everything good was ruined by him.

It was currently 11:48AM, so you headed to your closet and pulled out an outfit. It was gonna be cold, but you also needed something comfortable yet not baggy but casual. You decided on black flare leggings and a dark grey velour zip up jacket, you paired your outfit with some basic white airforces. You laid the outfit out onto the bed and dug for some things to add to your outfit because you looked quite plain and Tom was gonna be there. You pulled out a pair of small dangling silver earrings, and a basic silver necklace. You also grabbed a black knitted beanie with two fluffy balls on the top of it.

You entered your bathroom and began brushing your teeth and tongue, then washing your face with cold water. Your eyes laid on the marks Tom had left on you, you covered them up with foundation last time, but this time you decided to leave them visible. You pulled your hairtie off of your hair and shook your head, allowing your y/h/c locks to fall lowly in front of your shoulders and back, as you ran your fingers through the strands. You walked back into your room and slipped the outfit on, then putting on a pair of white socks. You pulled your beanie over your head and put on your earrings and necklace. You then entered back into the bathroom and began doing your makeup, planning to do a basic and discreet look.

You finished doing all of that and checked the time to see it was only 12:29PM. You were disappointed and fell back onto your bed, just sitting and thinking. Reviewing what happened last night, and imagining what was going to happen today, possible scenarios coming into your thoughts and you didn't realise how hard you were smiling. You leaned up from your bed, and pulled your shoes onto your feet. You grabbed a black crossbody bag and put your belongings into it. You headed downstairs, glancing up at the clock and saw it was now 12:41PM. You were so impatient and groaned in annoyance. You began pacing up and down the hallway, your arms crossed. "What happened?" Larissa asked. "Huh? Nothing, I'm just waiting to be picked up." you told her. She gave you a smirk, looking you up and down because she thought you meant Tom. You rolled your eyes, this is why you never tell your family anything about your love life.

After what felt like an hour of waiting, you heard a honk outside and rushed to the door. You saw Abel in the driver's seat with Ramona next to him. You excitedly skipped to the car, entering into the backseat. "Hellooooo" you sang, closing the door behind you. "Hi y/n." they both said, as Abel began to drive off. Your phone began to ring in your bag, as you pulled it out and answered. "Hello?"

"hi y/n." you recognised Bill's voice. "Oh, hi Bill." you replied. "Georg wants to know— OW!" Bill yelled, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and you heard Georg yelling in German. "I mean, a friend of mine would like to know if a certain someone is coming ice skating with us, AKA Fiona." he giggled, as Georg hit him again and everyone in the car was laughing. You giggled, "I don't know, she was invited though. Not sure if she's coming." you replied. "Oh that's too bad, Georg really wanted to see her there." he exposed and you laughed as Georg began yelling again and Bill yelled back. Although you couldn't understand what they were saying, it was funny.

"Poor Jonah." Ramona laughed, as Abel giggled. You shook your head and smiled, "okay then y/n cya." he said, "cya Bill." you hung up. You put your phone back into your bag and leaned back into your seat, putting one leg on top of the other.

After half an hour of driving, you finally arrived. You excitedly jumped out of the car, skipping to the entrance with Ramona and Abel trailing shortly behind you. The doors slid open as you waited in line. You bought your tickets, and headed over to the area where you burrowed your skates. You saw the other boys standing there and Bill excitedly waved you down. You smiled at him and the three of you joined them, saying hello to eachother. You took off your shoes and set them down somewhere. You asked for a pair of skates in your size and the man handed them to you. You slid your feet into the pair, and Tom sat down next to you putting his skates on as well.

You walked towards the ice skating rink, holding onto the surrounding wall around the ice. "Oh my gosh it's been a while." you said, stepping onto the ice and holding tightly onto the wall. Tom laughed at you, as he protectively held your hand, guiding you with him and you released your hand away from the wall. You were like Bambi on ice, your feet slipping but Tom held onto you and laughed whenever he saw you struggling. You began to slip again. your feet gliding and you panicked as you waved your arms into the air, Tom was laughing his ass off. "You're good you're good!" Tom laughed, as he held you up by your arms, but you just fell and pulled him down with you.

Now you were the one laughing at him and his smile dropped, as you stood up and helped Tom up. "How do you know how to skate?!" you asked, "I'm superman, I can do everything." he said. You rolled your eyes and began slowly taking steps forward. Tom came in front of you and began showing off his skating skills, "y/n look what I can dooo" he teased, slowly twirling around in his skates. You stuck up the middle finger at him and he just laughed at you, but you began to glide more further and smoothly across the ice.

In the corner of your eye, you caught Georg and Fiona skating together, hand in hand. "Tom." you called, "hm?" he asked, you pointed your eyebrows and chin towards the direction of them and he turned around to look. He smiled and looked back at you, gliding towards you. "We can do that too." he said, holding your hand and dragging you with him. After minutes of being on the ice, you finally began to be able to skate properly with Tom and he showed you a few tricks like how to twirl and glide backwards.

As he was showing you a new trick, his hand holding yours as he spun you around, you stopped spinning and fell back onto your ass. "OW!" you yelped, Tom began to laugh again and you yelled at him for not catching you. As you stood up, you saw Travis teasing Jonah putting up the L sign as Travis showed off his skills in front of him and Jonah just clung terrified onto the wall, yelling angrily and frustratedly at Travis, but he just laughed. Then you saw Abel skating by himself freely, Ramona and Bill skating together, Georg and Fiona holding hands and skating of course, as Quinn third wheeled behind them and Gustav was holding onto the wall, not being able to skate either.

And then your smile dropped, and you froze in place as Tom just stared at your shocked expression.

No fucking way.

Your eyes fell onto Javi and Lena entering the skating rink.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: early upload bcuz i didnt go school lol hope u guys enjoyedd

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