Chapter 17: Tell Him

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The three of you were playing uno on the kitchen counter. Tom had atleast 40 cards, because you and Bill kept stacking against him, and everytime, you would laugh your asses off. And it looked like he was about to draw another set of cards.

"y/n, please. I beg." Tom pleaded, it was your turn and you each put down a 'draw 4' card. You giggled, putting down another one. Bill laughed so hard he fell off his stool, Tom pretended to cry, picking up 12 cards. He had 52 cards now. "I hate you both so much." he said, proceeding to pick up more cards. "Don't take it personal bro." you and Bill couldn't stop giggling.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Tom said, putting down another card.

The game ended after so long, and surprisingly, Tom managed to win somehow.

"I'm hungryy." Bill whined, frowning and rubbing his empty stomach. "Should I go get food?" you offered. "Nah, I'll go. Leave you two alone." he winked, getting up to get his keys. You rolled your eyes and smiled, glancing over at Tom who was already looking at you and quickly looked away when you caught him. You could see his cheeks tint into a pink colour.

He's so cute.

"I think I'm just gonna go to Mcdonalds or something. What do you both want?" Bill asked, holding his keys up in his hand. "Nuggets pleasee." you pleaded, "I don't care how many." you added. "You Tom?"

"Uhh, anything. Just a cheeseburger or big Mac, I don't care." he told him. "Alright, have fun you two, but not too much. BEHAVE YOURSELVES." Bill put his finger up, raising his eyebrows and slowly backing away from the living room to leave. You heard him close the door.

The house went silent.

You peeked over at Tom, who looked over at you too. He opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped. You felt so nervous, you couldn't say anything that wasn't flirty to him, but you didn't wanna stay silent either.

Fuck it



(i recommend u play tell him by celine dion here to rlly set the mood for u...)

"I think... I think we've talked enough and seen eachother enough to..."

You hesitated, your heart was about to burst out of your chest and fly through the wall like a balloon. You tried to fight back your words, you wanted to tell him everything so badly and be honest. You were so scared, you fear commitment. Nothing was the same after what happened. But you weren't going to let Javi ruin this for you, you both deserved to have someone you could love.

"To what?" he looked at you with intrigued eyes, he frowned, his eyebrows raised up, crossing into eachother.

You wanted to tell him how you felt when you heard his name, how your feet lift off the ground and the hairs on your body stick up. How you felt when you saw his face, his eyes that became golden in the sun, his blonde dreads that you dreamt running your fingertips through, his fragile porcelain skin you wish you could kiss, his pink lips which you wished to prove if they were as soft as they looked, his perfect figure that towered over you. How you felt when you smelt his cologne when he was nearby, just the feeling of knowing he was next to you, his beautiful aura and his warm presence. How you felt when he touched you so gently, how happy you were when he hugged you that night, how you felt knowing he was going to be somewhere you were going. You wanted him so bad, so so bad. Not even sexually, you just wanted him to be yours, you wanted to be his. You wanted to be able to call him that. You thought of him through your day, before you went to sleep, he appeared in your dreams, and you thought of him the next morning, and repeat. Everyday was a cycle of admiring and dreaming about him.

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