Chapter 51: Grief

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(this is gonna be quite a long chap so buckle up.)

You sprinted to the toilet, your hand releasing from your mouth and you let it all out. Travis rushed to follow you, holding your hair behind your neck as you gagged out more fluids. You cried as you vomitted, and Travis felt so sorry for you but didn't know what to do, just rubbed your back and held your hair out of your face. "Are you sure?!" you ugly cried, as you coughed out.

He nodded, "there's photos... Everywhere." he told you.

You cried and flushed the toilet, "why? Why would he do this to me?" you sobbed out, coughing while Travis yanked some toilet paper and wiped your mouth. You dropped down and sat beside the toilet, putting your knees up and sobbing into them. "I wanna see." you raised your head back up, sniffling. "What? I— Are you sure?" he asked, kneeling in front of you and you immediately nodded.

He sighed, and sat up as you followed him. "Do you have a laptop?" he asked, you grabbed it out and sat down, he sat next to you onto the bed. "Go onto twitter." he directed you, as you typed it in and of course, the first thing that popped up was the photos. It was the number one trending thing right now. You shook your head and clicked onto the photos, taking a deep breathe.

The first photo was of him and a girl talking at what appeared to be the club together, sitting down onto stools and it was obvious they weren't just 'talking'. The next photo was of them dancing together, her back against him with his hands around her and you felt rage surge through you. You pressed your lips together, and scrolled to reveal the next image, which was of them sitting in his car, as he kissed her neck.

Your mouth dropped open, and you scrolled even further to see the next picture, which was of them heading into a hotel together with his arm around her shoulder.

Your hands were shaking, with both rage and disappointment. You were so angry, you shut the laptop and were about to throw it across the room before Travis took it and placed it onto the bedside table.

You took a deep breathe through your nostrils and shut your eyes. You tried to calm yourself down, but just bursted into tears again. You leaned forward and placed your head into your lap, just crying. You felt Travis's hand rub your back, which made you feel a bit of comfort but you still felt so upset and hurt.

You literally ruined and lost everything for him. So many people around you told you that this was going to happen, yet you ignored them and looked the other way, proceeding to destroy your life for him. You went through so much, for nothing in the end. You tried to look past his flaws that were similar to Javi, trying to see the good in him, all for it to be revealed in the end.

"Y/n." Travis spoke. "What?" you cried out, your face still resting onto your lap. "How about you go put on a pair of pants and sleep, you really need to rest." he told you.

You gasped and your head jolted up when you realised you were still in your underwear. "Oh my gosh!" you covered your face in embarrassment, falling back onto your bed. "I forgot I'm so sorry!" you squealed. He laughed, "it's okay I didn't look, you just get some rest yeah." he told you, as you felt the weight of his body lift up from your bed.

You leaned up and climbed over your bed once he left, and searched for some shorts to sleep in.

You put on a pair of oversized black cotton shorts and slipped them over your legs, tightening the drawstrings around you when your eyes fell onto the hoodie Tom put on you when he dropped you off home that night whilst you were drunk. Your face dropped, as you stared at it and closed the bag shut roughly, zipping it up.

You stormed over to your bed, pulling the covers over you angrily. You reached over for your phone and saw you had so many missed calls, from literally everyone. Probably because of either the show, or the fact that Tom cheated on you.

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