Chapter 6: Airport Lookout

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Tom parked over the gravel, the car vibrating as the tires moved against the rough surface. Cars lined up in the parking area. An ice cream truck parked near the cars, the streetlamps were bright and the sun began to set. The yellow glowing colour of the sky bounced off your skin and reflected in your eyes, making them appear brighter. Tom hopped out of the car and opened the door for you. He held his hand out for you to grab, as you exited the car as well.

You looked around at the view. You expected a restaurant, or going shopping, but this was something different than other dates you'd been on before, and this was better. The sky looked beautiful. Cars drove past the area, the sound of engines and people chatting filled the atmosphere. You could smell the food from the trucks and felt hungry, you hadn't had anything to eat but water and an energy drink, which wasn't the best choice.

"I know this isn't as bougie as you probably expected, but I come here alone all the time and I've never brought anyone here with me, especially not another girl. So I wanted to take you somewhere special, somewhere I enjoy and I thought you might like too." he explained, the wind hitting your hair. His eyes were bewitching in the sun, they turned into a light honey-brown when the sun hit them.

You smiled and found it adorable that someone like Tom enjoyed coming to such a simple place like an airport lookout. "I came here when I was a child, with my family. Mostly in the summer, I remember every time we went I'd try a new ice cream flavour." you shared with him, the memories coming to you as you spoke more. "Really? This same airport lookout?" he asked, looking at you, as he swung his arm over your shoulder. You both began to walk towards the ice cream truck, standing in line.

"Yes. I remember everything." You said, you wanted to tell him more but felt like you were talking too much, but you felt so comfortable with him. You feel like you had to censor what you said around others, but with Tom, although you barely know him, you felt fine sharing things to him. Which was a rare thing for you to develop such a close relationship with someone, but with Tom it naturally came to you.

"Tell me more." Tom said, his arm lowering down to your waist. You felt happy that he was interested in what you were saying. "I remember being a slow eater, so the ice cream would always end up dripping down my hand and clothes." you laughed, he smiled at you and giggled, imagining you in that state. "I wish I came here when I was younger, but I'm not an American child so."

"It's probably better that way... America's a wild place." you told him. "What makes you say that?" he asked, as you moved further in the line. You looked at him, "is that a serious question?"

He laughed, and you moved further in the line. You reached the front and looked up at the man that was serving you. Tom reached in his pocket for his wallet, and you did too. "Can I get a soft serve choc-top, and a... what do you want y/n?" he asked, turning to look at you. "I'll get a sherbet flake, please." you said, handing the man some cash. But before you could, Tom pushed your hand away and shoved the cash into the man's face. "Hey!" you yelled, pushing him away using the force of your body and waving the cash to the man.

The man laughed at you two, trying to grab Tom's cash instead of yours since he knew it would be embarrassing for the lady to pay. "Y/n! Are we seriously gonna do this?!" he yelled, putting his arm around your body to grab and push you back. You tried to wiggle out of his grip, pushing him and yelling. A woman behind you yelled at you two to hurry up and pay because you were holding up the line.

You both stopped fighting eachother and turned around to look at her, "SHUT UP AND WAIT!" you both yelled in unison at her, laughing about it after and continuing to wrestle eachother.

In the end, Tom swung your body over his shoulder with one hand, the other, he used to give the man the cash, who gladly took it after atleast 5 minutes of you two fighting and yelling. He handed you your ice creams shortly afterwards and both thanked him. "Why did you do that you little shit?" you said to him, feeling defeated. "Because how am I gonna let the girl I'm supposed to be taking out pay? Stupid." he said, as he hopped onto the back of the car, and you followed him.

You sat in front of the sunset, watching loud and big airplanes flying by. You both licked your ice cream in silence, as you seemed to be enjoying them too much. "Every lick I take of this I get memories." you told him. "I think this place was the best thing of my childhood." you shared. "Yeah, this place is nice as hell. I don't usually come for ice cream though. I just smoke and think, then leave after an hour."

"This ice cream is good though, I plan to get it everytime I come now." he said, taking another lick of it.

Tom was nearly done with his, and you weren't even halfway through it. Because you were such a slow eater, it began to drip down your hand and landed on your jeans. "Nooo!" you whined, using the tissue around the cone to wipe it off. You moaned, as the stain barely came off and more drops dripped down your hand. Tom handed you his tissue. "Some things just don't change." he said, laughing. You laughed and told him to shut up.

You talked some more about eachother and learned so much about him and he learned so much about you. Your families, school, career, and other personal stuff. Your conversation was interrupted by your stomach growling. "Y/n, why didn't you tell me you were hungry?" he asked. You turned red and hopped off the car. You took a bite of the cone. "I'll go buy some food, then." you said.

You made your way to the truck before you bumped into someone, knocking your ice cream cone over. "Excuse me—" you yelled, turning to look at the person. Your face dropped and you froze. Tom stopped walking and looked at you, then back at the person you bumped into. You bumped into Javi, your ex from 2005.

"Your excused." he said, looking you and Tom up and down, with a disgusted look.

"Fuck, of course I bumped into you." you scoffed and rolled your eyes, linking arms with Tom and walking away.


i planned to make this chapter longer but im honestlt tired and wanna sleep i got school so goodnight yall hope u enjoyed.

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