Chapter 46: Off to Las Vegas

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It was a week later after everything went down. You and Ramona didn't speak ever since, Katrina was upset at you and decided to make Astral Band begin their tour earlier than it was originally planned so it could pass by quicker, as she was eager to kick you off.

It was the day you were going to drive on the tour bus to perform in your first city in North America, Las Vegas the next day.

Tom insisted on carrying your bags for you, giving you princess treatment and you felt bad but liked it at the same time. Everyone was getting their belongings and bags inside of the bus, storing them into spaces. "Where's Travis?!" Jonah asked, you shrugged. "That kid is always late." Ramona scoffed. "I'm here I'm here!" Travis called, dragging his bags across the floor of the bus, panting.

"Ohhh I'm not gonna see my Travis for so longg!" his mom said, grabbing his face and kissing his cheek. "Momm!" he complained, scrunching his face and pulling away from her. You all giggled, Travis was the seventeen year old baby of the group, the youngest.

"Everyone's here now. So we'll leave in like five minutes." Ramona said, you all nodded. Tom stepped out of the bus, and you followed him. "How am I gonna deal with not seeing my baby for such a long time?" he said, kissing your head with his hands on your face. You giggled, "you'll manage. I'm gonna be so drained when I come back thoughhh." you whined. "You'll manage." Tom mocked and you rolled your eyes, he giggled and placed a kiss on your lips. When he pulled away, he placed his forehead against yours. "I'm gonna miss you." he said. "Me too." you whispered.

"I love you, y/n."

"I love you, Tom."

You hugged for a moment, his hands tied together at your waist and yours around his neck, one tangling through his hair, you could feel eachother's heartbeats beating in sync with eachother. He placed a kiss onto the side of your neck, then another on your shoulder before he finally pulled away from you and laid one last soft kiss against your lips.

"Don't do any of that corny romance movie shit where you turn around after walking away and run up to hug me again." you both laughed.

"Bye y/n." he smiled and turned around, walking away. "Bye Tom." you smiled, as he waved at you. You were smiling so hard your cheeks ached. "C-L!" Travis said, shaping a C with his hands and then an L. "C-L?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "Caught lacking, I saw the way you cheekily stared at the back of his head smiling blushing and shit you CL'er." he teased you. "Shut up!" you yelled, pushing him and you began wrestling eachother.

"We're leavinggg!" Jonah called, as you pushed him one last time and ran into the bus before he could hit you again but he chased you and tackled you into a seat where you began fighting again. "All of you sit." Ramona ordered, Travis sat next to you and began poking you annoyingly, and you smacked his hand away everytime.

You put your feet up onto Travis's lap. "HEY PUT YOUR CHUBBY STUMPS DOWN!" he said, pushing your legs off of him, you laughed and kicked him.

"SHUT UPPPP!" Jonah yelled and you both started laughing. Abel turned on his music whilst Ramona opened up her laptop.

Travis pulled out his Spiderman plush backpack that you got for him, "ayyy!" you laughed, as he unzipped it to reveal candy. He pulled out M&m's and you immediately snatched them. "HEY!" he yelped, leaping forward but you just leaned back. He tugged onto the bag of M&m's and you were both pulling on it, until it ripped open and the M&m's exploded, spilling everywhere. You both looked down in shock, slowly looking at eachother and bursting into laughter. "You two are actual children. Both of you clean it up now before they melt." Ramona demanded. "She grabbed them off me!" Travis said.

You both began arguing and in the end poor Abel ended up cleaning it up. "Sorry Abel." you said. "Yeah sorry Abel." Travis giggled. He just rolled his eyes smiling before he went to sit back down once he was finished.

You pulled out a big heavy fluffy blanket and wrapped it around you, as you leaned your head against the window and tried to sleep. But you kept getting woken up by the feeling of gummy bears bouncing off of you, as Travis licked them and threw them at you. You kicked him and groaned, "Ow!" he yelped.

You felt him leaning forward, there was silence for a moment before Travis blew loudly into your ear. You jolted awake, throwing your blanket off of you. Your heart felt like it popped, as you placed your hand over your chest and panted. You looked over at Travis, who was laughing his ass off at you. "WHAT TRAVIS?! WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WAAAANNTTT?!" you yelled and he just leaned away from you, giggling.

You returned back to sleeping. "Are you mad at Ramona?" he whispered in your ear. You opened one eye, looking at him through the corner of your eye. You nodded your head. "Whyyyyyyyyy?" he sang like a child. "Oh my gosh you are really such a fucking child." you said, pulling the blanket over your head. "Tell me." he said, poking you. You groaned, pulling your blanket off of you because you knew he wasn't gonna shut the fuck up. You explained to him everything, whispering and as you told him the story he kept making funny shocked over exaggerated faces. "Wowww!" he said. "Want me to bitch slap her? Back hand or front hand?" he joked, as you giggled.

"You can't be mad at her forever, y' know." he told you. You nodded, knowing he was right. Whether you like it or not, you would have to eventually make up.

"Do you want an apology from her?" he asked, you shrugged. "There's no reason for her to apologise, she knew what would happen if she told. She told me I could trust her and I could tell her anything and when I don't she gets mad calling me a bad friend, and then when I do she goes and tells. It doesn't make sense. I don't know why she'd even tell in the first place what's it to her?" you ranted. "Maybe you should head her side of the story." Travis suggested, "yeah, you're right. Thanks." you said, laying your head back down and he went back to annoying you.

How the fuck am I gonna handle 4 hours with this guy?!


AUTHOR'S NOTE: i got nothing to say here, just hope u enjoyed <3

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