Chapter 41: Something Like that

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Your face softened, a feeling of relief washing over you and your shoulders dropped. You let out a deep breathe of relief and praised the Lord for the good news, you turned around and hugged Tom. "When can I see him?" you asked, moving away from Tom. "Follow me." he said, as you both looked at eachother before following him. You reached a room, and peeked through the window, hesitating to enter. "He's here." he said, you nodded at him smiling and he did the same, walking away. You stared at your father, as he laid in the hospital bed. "Aren't you gonna go in?" Tom asked from behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You didn't know how to answer, pressing your lips together and frowning. You shook your head, holding onto his hands. "How come?" he questioned, resting his chin onto your shoulder and tilting his head.

You shrugged, "If I talk to him I'll just yell." you said. He looked confused. "I'll explain in the car" you sighed, moving his arms off of you and holding his hand. You began walking away, entering the elevator. Tom pushed the button, and you let go of his hand. "I just wanted to see if he was alive." you told him. He simply nodded as a response. The elevator doors opened and you exited out, he followed behind you and made it to the parking lot. You entered the car and he closed the door behind you, he turned on the car and switched on the heating, rubbing his hands together. He began reversing the car out of the parking spot, "so tell me." he spoke, turning the steering wheel and driving off.

You sighed, "it's not the first time this has happened." you confessed. "Wait seriously?" he said, focusing on the road with one hand on the steering wheel. You nodded, "it's happened once before, just very long ago. And at first I was worried, now I'm just angry. You saw him the other day drunk, right? Passed out, no shame at all. He's a bipolar alcoholic fucking drug addict and he never and I mean ever tries to get better for anyone. He has no respect for himself or others. And he treats me horribly when he's drunk, yet I'm the only one who puts the effort of looking after him." you spoke, as Tom made it clear he was listening.

"I'm the one who drags him into the house, I'm the one who gives him a ride home, I'm the one to put him in bed and drag him up the stairs when he's passed out. It's always been me." you complained, leaning your arm onto the window and placing your head into your hand. "And now this happened again, I know it will happen another time and when it does I always say this to myself but now I really mean it, I'm gonna stop caring. I have my own life too, I've got an entire tour coming up, who's gonna be there to watch him then?" you continued. Tom kept nodding and humming and reacting with facial expressions when you were ranting and genuinely seemed interested and cared in what you were saying.

You took a deep breathe, "sorry for talking for so long. I really needed to say all of that." you apologised, he shook his head. "Don't worry about it baby I wanna listen and I told you to talk." he reassured you. "Also, you're going on tour?" he asked, you nodded. "I don't wanna go either." you laughed.

"I get it, studio life over tour life."


"I'm not gonna see you for so longgg" he whined, pretending to cry. "You'll live." you rolled your eyes. He shook his head frowning and you giggled. "When are you going off to tour?" he asked. "Probably in a week or two." you said, your head falling back against the seat. "You'll live." he teased, you gave him a greasy and he just laughed.

You arrived at your house, and stared outside the car window, not wanting to go but you knew you had to. You unbuckled your seatbelt and sighed, as Tom did the same and went around the car to open the door for you. You hopped out and he closed the door behind you, leading you to the front door. You reached the front door, digging in the backpocket of your jeans and pulling out your keys. "Tom." you called, "hm?" he said. "Thank you for today." you smiled, he smiled back at you, crinkles forming around his eyes. "I can't wait to see you again y/n." he said, placing his hand onto your cheek and kissing you quickly but softly. "You sleep well, yeah?" he told you, you nodded. He turned around to leave but spun back around and quickly pecked your lips again, you giggled. He pulled away, "okay one more one more." he said, doing it again. You just rolled your eyes and laughed, "okay last time now I promise." he said, placing unfortunately but finally one last kiss against your lips.

"Bye Tom" you said, as he walked away. "Bye love." he waved, walking away.

You entered your house to see your mom standing there. "He's alive." you said, pulling your jacket down your arms. She hugged you and it was unexpected, you were tense for a moment but began patting her back with your hand awwkardly and she let go. "Is he your boyfriend?" she asked, you laughed. "Come onnn you can tell me, I saw the way you two were holding eachother in bed and the way he wiped away your tears and everything." she teased. "Something like that." you said, stepping up the stairs. "Something?" she asked. You shrugged, walking away to your bedroom. You tossed your jeans onto the floor and slid back into bed, you opened your laptop and just as expected, saw MANY missed calls and texts.

My gosh.

You clicked your tongue in annoyance and just tossed it back onto the bedside table, tucking yourself under the covers and you could smell Tom's scent left on your sheets.

I wish I told him to stay.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: yayyyy hope u guys enjoyd the chapppp <3 the book will come to an end soon.. very soon. maybe. idk. 15 more chaps minimum.

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