Chapter 32: Interruption

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"Because I said so and I am your manager y/n."

You scoffed, "yeah okay bye." you hung up, feeling annoyed and placing your phone back down onto your bedside table. You sat up from your bed, walking downtsairs, thinking about what she wanted from you and what she was going to say to you.

"Hey Tom." you called as you hopped down each step. "Yeah?" he called back. "Katrina wants me and you to go to her office today at 2, I asked why but she wouldn't say." you explained. "Uhh" he paused for a moment, "okay." he added. You looked around for him before you saw him sitting down in your living room, his arm resting over the couch as he watched TV.

"My parents love that show!" you laughed. "It's the show they watched before I left to go to the airport lookout with you."

"Really?" he said, as you plopped down next to him, his arm moved off of the couch and rested around your shoulder, his hands stroking strands of your hair. You came close to him, your head laying against his chest and you could hear and feel his heartbeat which brought you comfort, you didn't know why. His hand moved down from your shoulder to your hip. You could feel his chest rising up and down. "You enjoy watching this shit?" you teased, looking up at him. He looked down at you and looked away smiling "maybe." he giggled. You rolled your eyes, smiling.

You moved his arm away from your hips and brought it down to your lap. Your fingers connecting with his as you stared down at his hands.

Even his hands are attractive.

You noticed his bandages again, and looked confused. "When did you wrap these up?" you asked. "I didn't, you did." he said. Your eyebrows furrowed. "When?" you said, moving off of his chest and looking at him. "Y/n you woke me up in the middle of the night demanding to clean my wounds out or you wouldn't sleep." he told you. "What?! No I didn't!" you defended. "Yes you did! You were probably drunk and sleepy." he laughed. "Oh." you laughed.

You continued watching the show for another hour before you began to feel bored, but Tom seemed so invested. You glanced up at him, as he leaned forward to the screen, his mouth open and his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed so focused on what was happening it was funny. You decided to tease him a bit, by holding his hand up to your mouth and placing a kiss on his finger, still looking up at him.

His face dropped and he looked down at you, as you looked back up at him, locking eye contact and kissing his finger again. His cheeks turned pink, "what are you doing?" he asked, as you straddled his hips. He looked you up and down before smirking and placing his hands onto your thighs, you placed a kiss on his cheek and another on his lips that were perfectly both soft and moist. "What am I doing Tom?" you cluelessly asked, smilling and pushing your lips down into his again. He continued kissing you, his hands moving up to your waist and holding you closer to him. Your hands rested on top of his chest. You felt his load harden below you, as you lowered yourself into him.

He groaned into your mouth, as both his hands moved back down to your hips again and guided you up and down him. His eyes rolled back as he kissed you, his hands moving you the way he wanted you to. You felt so warm, wet and tingly in your pussy you kept moaning into his mouth as his tongue licked your lips and you allowed him to shove his tongue into your mouth. His hands began cupping your ass, the movement of your hips sped up and he groaned. "Fuck. Just like that baby." he whimpered and pleaded, his head fell back and you used that as an opportunity to begin planting hickeys across his neck. You wasted no time, trailing purple and red marks all over him.

You were both so in the moment and into what was happening you didn't realise your brother Miles unlocked the front door, walked in and stood there in shock staring at you two fucking eachother fully clothed. You pulled away from Tom and glanced behind him to see Miles frozen in place, a shocked expression on his face. "OHMYGOODNESS!" you shrieked, hopping off of Tom and laying down onto the couch covering your face. "What?!" Tom asked in a concerned tone, looking behind you and his eyes widened when he saw Miles. He quickly covered his boner and looked back down at you laying embarrassed, laughing your ass off and your hands covered your face.

Miles didn't even say anything, just spun around and walked upstairs. "Well, I think I left a first impression." Tom said. "YOU THINK?!" you said, leaning up and slapping his arm. "Oh my goshhh..." you whined, covering your red face again. "Uhm... Do I go upstairs and apologise?" he asked. "No, just leave it." you said. "What time is it even?!" you leaned over to check the clock and saw it was 1:29PM.

"Okay, I think we should go to Katrina's office now." you sighed, pulling yourself up from the couch and going to grab a pair of shoes. You both exited the house and entered Tom's car. You still felt so embarrassed and knew you were never going to recover nor hear the end of it from Miles OR Tom.

Tom began laughing, "it's not funny." you embarrassingly said, smiling and attempting to hold in your laugh. He began quietly giggling as if you couldn't hear him.

By the time you got there it was nearly 2 and you were waiting for her secretary Penelope to call you in. While you were waiting, you picked your nails and bounced your leg nervously. Tom noticed this and placed his hand over your knee to stop your leg. You looked over at him, as his hand moved up to your thigh and his thumb rubbed it. You looked away and smiled.

"You two can go in now." Penelope smiled at you, Tom got up and held his hand out for you to hold as he guided you into her office. The warmth of his hand hitting against yours made you feel less stressed and nervous. You entered Katrina's office, still holding hands to show you weren't going to hide it anymore, you were sick of it. She noticed this and glanced down, as you both sat down, placing your hands into your lap. You saw her familiar face again, her familiar short wavy blonde locks.

"I'm going to make this quick and simple." she told you. You and Tom glanced at eachother then back at her. "You two are to date, you can do whatever you want. Although I am against it very VERY much, I can't stop you. So if you're going to do it, do it behind closed doors. I don't want to see any paparazzi photos of you two doing any lovey-dovey shit, and don't tell anyone. Tom, do not tell any of your friends and you too y/n. No one. No one at ALL. But Tom, your manager knows of you two together." she said. "And y/n, I'm not happy about any of this at all. You know I even considered erasing you from Astral Crown?" she confessed. You stared down at the ground, unable to respond.

"And Tom, your manager and I have come to an agreement that you have to see other girls during all of this." she said.

"What?!" you and Tom both said in unison. "People are suspecting something between you two because Tom isn't seeing anyone, so you have to see other girls."

"What if I don't want to?"

"I don't care, you're doing it."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: the beginning of this chap was an apology for only uploading 1 chapter yesteeday so hope u enjoyed cheeky mfs

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