Chapter 12: Oh, that's Lena.

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You saw a short girl heading your way wearing a yellow bikini underneath her thin white-knitted beach dress. Her blonde-brown hair blowing in the direction of the wind, covering her face. A beach bag on her shoulder, she carried a red coolbox and her sandals in her other hand. As she got closer, you could see she had lightly tanned skin and bright green eyes. Her figure was slim, her waist was tiny and overall she was beautiful. You could see why Tom would go for a girl like her.

She used her fingers to move away the hair covering her eyes, "hey guys!" she greeted us. "Hey Lena." Bill said, as he hugged her and she put her hands around his neck. "Oh no, am I the last one here?" she chuckled. "Yeah, it's all good though." Bill reassured, giving her a smile and she smiled back, presenting her pearly-white straight teeth.

"I brought some drinks." she said, setting down the coolbox and her bag. She opened it up, handing Bill a drink and getting a drink for herself. She opened the can, and took a sip. "I don't think I know some of you." she said, looking around at our faces.

She seemed to be.... Alot nicer than you expected?

You expected her to be bitchy since Tom worried so much about her joining along with us after Bill told him, but she was an angel. Inside and out. Her personality as beautiful as her appearance. You couldn't even see why Tom would break up with a girl as nice as Lena in the first place.

You glanced over at Tom who looked annoyed and anxious, his arms crossed, his eyebrows furrowed, his tongue playing with his piercing. He avoided looking at Lena.

She greeted everyone, introducing herself politely. She seemed like a well brought up girl. Her voice was sweet and comforting.

"I'm Lena, nice to meet you." she looked into your eyes, smiling, crinkles formed around her eyes. You got a good look at her face, her eyes glistened in the sunlight. Her hair became lighter, almost golden. She had freckles sprinkled across her cheeks, nose and forehead. Her skin glowing and clear. She was so pretty.

"y/n." you said, exchanging smiles. "you're really pretty, by the way." she said. Your face felt warm, "oh, thank you." you said, your smile growing wider.

You all returned back to the sea, then after nearly an hour rested onto the shore. You enjoyed the view of the waves crashing the rocks, seagulls flying above you.

Travis stood in front of the water, sticking his arms out almost like a starfish before a big wave began heading our direction. He realised and panicked, beginning to run back to us and screaming but the wave caught up to him and pulled him under the water. We all laughed together about it, as he returned back to our spot covered in water, his arms crossed.

You were all drinking some soda, eating some snacks and enjoy yourselves. It was a really good day, and exactly what you needed as a distraction from what happened with Javi.

Lena had a bubbly and charismatic personality, she knew how to speak and used the right words to get her points across. But she was also respectful and had a sense of humour like the rest of you. Overall, she was a really fun girl who you looked forward to becoming closer friends with.

Tom on the other hand, the entire time she was there, was furious.

He didn't seem to be enjoying himself at all, the same cold expression on his face and annoyed body language, his arms and eyebrows crossed. Most of the time he just stayed silent, but when he did speak, it would always be something negative which brought the mood down.

A seagull suddenly began pecking Georg's chips.

"Hey! Get outta here!" Georg yelled, wacking his hand in front of the seagull. The seagull got closer and grabbed one of his chips. "GO AWAY!" Georg yelled, kicking the seagull away, but it just attracted more of them.

You all watched him struggle, giggling, but Tom didn't even crack a smile.

Why is he so fucking mad?

You chose to ignore him, he was just acting childish at this point.

After half an hour, you all packed up your stuff and began to head home. "Cya guys it was really fun today!" you waved goodbye to the rest of them, heading back to the car with Tom and Bill.

As you were walking, you looked over at Tom who was giving a death stare to the back of Bill's head.

"What's your problem?" You asked.

"I don't have one, he does." he pointed with his head at Bill.

You glanced over at Bill, who just continued walking.

"Why do you dislike her so much?"

"If you knew why you'd understand. He does, yet he chooses to ignore it because he's her friend when he shouldn't be."

Bill looked back at Tom and didn't say anything, just kept on walking.

"She seems like such a good girl though."

"Yeah I thought that too, believe me. That's why I went for her..." he explained, rolling his eyes because he regretted his decisions.

"Tom, shut up." Bill said, turning around.

"No, fuck you."

"Fuck you! Grow up! You left her three fucking years ago, move on! Acting as if she murdered our mom or something." Bill yelled.

They continued to swear and argue in German, you had no idea what they were saying. You made it to the car, yet they still went on.

This was gonna be a long and awkward drive

And it was, everyone stayed silent the whole time. You couldn't wait to go home.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: yayy last chap of the day for me finally. tom and bill r arguing over lena oh no. hope u guys enjoyed tho good nightt

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