Chapter 23: Planning a birthday

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You stayed over at Ramona's house a few more hours, working on some more songs. "You know it's Travis's birthday later this week?" Ramona suddenly brought up whilst the two of you were each working on a new song. Your head snapped to her direction, "WHAT?!" you yelled, in disbelief. "No way. You're bullshitting." you said. "I'm being deadass." she replied, looking up at you. "HOW COULD I FORGET?" you yelled, palming your face and groaning. "What am I even supposed to get this kid?" you asked. Ramona shrugged, "I've known the kid for three years and still don't know what to get." she said.

"Ugh, same."

"He likes the most random things..." she laughed. "Like what?" you asked. "Some toys, board games, fidgets, video games, I mean I guess I could get him a pair of wireless headphones maybe." she thought. "That's a good gift, maybe I'll get him a pair of shoes and some sort of toy." you said. "He likes Sonic, Spiderman and Mario." she told you. "Nice to know, thanks." you replied. "We should go birthday shopping and get the others to help organise a party, invite everyone we know, make it a big ass thing." she suggested. "YES!" you said. "We'll get someone to dress in Mario, Spiderman and Sonic suits." you laughed. "Y/n, the kid's turning seventeen, not nine." she chuckled.

"I know, I know. But it would be fun, he'd love it."

"Yeah, he probably would to be fair."

Less than an hour later, you finished and got Ramona to drop you off home.

You waved goodbye and entered your house.

You dropped your bag onto the carpet, looking around. It was 6pm, the lights were off and the house was quiet but your dad's car was parked out front.

You walked up the stairs, creating a creak with each step. You opened the bedroom door, to see your dad laying in bed.

He always fucking does this.

"Are we doing this again?" you said, standing at the edge of his bed. He didn't say anything, just laid on his side and you knew he wasn't asleep. Just either in a depressive state for no fucking reason or drunk. "Can you please get up, dad." you sighed, you had no energy to deal with his bipolar behaviour whatsoever.

"I said get UP." you yelled, kicking his bed. He groaned and rolled over to his other side, refusing to wake up. "GET UP!" you yelled, pulling the covers off of him. You were having a stressful day and he wasn't making it any easier or better for you. Your fists clenched, you got a tight feeling in your chest out of anger. You left his room, slamming the door so hard the house shook.

Your dad was a drunk bipolar man who put in no effort of ever raising you, he was present, but didn't play the role of a real father. Ever. He'd go balistic one day, partying out and getting drunk, and depressed the next to the point where he wouldn't get out of bed for anything as simple as just brushing his teeth. And you were the only one who dealt with it. None of your friends knew about it, and everyone else in your house ignored it, pretending that it wasn't happening.

You were so afraid of ending up just like him, it was your biggest fear. He got it from his mom, and there was a high chance it would pass down to you.

It didn't seem to show in any of your siblings yet, so you were the last one.

You went to your bedroom, quickly changing into some comfy pajamas and chucking your clothes in the washing machine. Afterwards, you opened up your laptop and searching online for gift ideas to distract yourself. Meanwhile, you called Miles and Larissa to see where they were but none of them answered. You felt so lonely, and missed Tom. You wanted to call him so bad, you were so so tempted to press the ring button in hopes that he'd even answer, but you knew he wouldn't and that it was probably best to just let him be.

You wished you had stayed at Ramona's house for a little longer.

You called her on Skype, it took a few moments for her to answer. "Can we discuss Travis's birthday?" you asked. "What happened to 'hello', 'how are you'?" she joked. "Shut up." you laughed back.

You planned out a full party, you even planned to hire a Spiderman themed jumping castle. You thought about who to invite, when Ramona asked you a question. "Would you be okay with inviting Tom?" she asked. You stared at up your camera, "Oh uhm..." you said. "If he wants to come he can." you answered. She nodded, "are you sure?" she asked. "Yeah, it's fine."


"What are you getting Travis?" you asked, breaking the moment of silence after that question. "Wireless headphones, some cologne, probably a hoodie, and some toy." she said, you nodded. "Those are good gifts. I'm not sure what I'll get yet, we're going to get them together right?" you asked. "Yeah, tomorrow. 3pm. Me, y0u, Abel, Jonah. I told them all not to tell him." she told you. You nodded.

"Is the party gonna be at his house?" you asked. "Girl, obviously? Where else? Mcdonald's kids playground?!" she joked. "Hey that's actually not a bad idea!" you joked back. She laughed, "you're so dumb." you laughed along.

You suddenly got a wave of sadness, you missed Tom so much, you wanted to express how you felt to Ramona and tell her but you couldn't. You imagined her exact reaction and constantly replayed it in your head everytime you felt like exposing yourself to her, which was enough to stop you from doing so. She would absolutely flip and not talk to you if you told her, she'd then probably tell Katrina who would be even more angry at you. It was like the whole word was against the idea of you and Tom being together, and you hated it.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: this chap was short and boring but i think better than the last, the next will be better i promise habe some faith in me pls. hope u enjoyed

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