Chapter 36: My dad

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You pulled out your phone and immediately began ringing Katrina, she answered not too long later.

"Katrina, Tom told Bill everything you said to us."

"What?! Are you serious?!"

"Yes! I'm so mad right now I'm fucking shaking!"

"Where are you?"

"I'm outside of a restaurant with him, Bill, and Ramona."

"All four of you drive to my office, now."

You hung up and turned to see Bill running after you, "y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know I wasn't supposed to know." he said, placing his hands onto your arms. You were too tired to argue and yell. "All of us need to go to Katrina's office, now." you told him. He waved down the other two to follow you to the car and they began walking towards you.

You all got into the car and you refused to sit near Tom so you sat next to Ramona in the back. The ride was silent, just music playing quietly on the radio. After a twenty minute drive, you arrived at Katrina's office and immediately bursted into it.

"All four of you sit." she said. You all sat down, Tom looked anxious and Bill looked worried, Ramona had no clue what was going on. "Does Ramona know?" Katrina asked, you all shook your heads. Katrina sighed, "Tom and y/n are dating." she exposed. "Katrina!" you yelled, she put up her hand to shush you. Ramona's mouth dropped, "why didn't I know?" she said, looking at you. "No one was supposed to." Katrina answered for you. "And I told them to keep it a secret. I gave them clear instructions and restrictions on what to do and not to do because if people find out about them two, you know how it would go." she explained. "And I'm hoping, Bill and Ramona, that you don't plan to tell anyone." she warned. They immediately nodded.

"Tom, I've contacted your manager about this and you won't be allowed to see y/n anymore." she told you, slight disappointment and shock formed on his face. "That's fine because we broke up anyway." you said, but you lowkey felt upset to hear that. "We were never even dating y/n!" he yelled. You rolled your eyes, "Hmph, didn't take long." Katrina snickered and you could see Tom's grip on the armrests of the chair tighten. "I don't want to see Tokio Hotel and Astral Band interact, your manager and I agreed on that. Too much drama is being caused specifically between you three and it's not needed." she said, pointing her finger at you, Bill, and Tom.

Your mouths dropped, "I'm friends with them!" you yelled, "Why am I being punished for their actions?!" Ramona complained. "You aren't being punished Ramona, you're being protected." she said. Ramona rubbed her face with her hand in annoyance. "I'm getting really sick of all of these situations occurring, so it's better off the bands go separate ways." she explained. You frowned, but maybe she was right. No one else said anything.

"Tom, Bill, you two can leave now." Katrina said, and they left without saying anything. It was just you, Ramona and Katrina left now. You felt nervous and wondered what she was gonna tell you.

"I made you two stay behind because I wanna talk to you about the album." she told you. "We finished it, just need you to hear it and approve." Ramona said, Katrina nodded. "Good to hear. You guys have released two albums so I think it's time for a tour." she suddenly announced. You and Ramona's eyes widened, "WHAT?!" you both screamed in unison, Ramona said it with excitement but you said it with fear. Ramona loved the tour life, you've only all ever been on one tour and you hated it very much. "It'll take maximum a month to organise, I've already began planning and meanwhile you guys need to release your new album but first, I wanna hear it." Katrina told Ramona. "I'll send you the recordings from my laptop to yours when I get home." Ramona smiled, feeling excited and eager towards going on tour.

"You two can leave now." Katrina said, you both said goodbye and left. Ramona couldn't stop smiling, but you were so nervous and too drained to deal with a tour. Tom and Bill sat in the car, waiting for you two. You entered the car and Bill drove away. Ramona was dropped off first, then you.

You reached your house, Bill stopped the car in front of it. "Go walk her to her door!" Bill whispered, smacking Tom's arm but Tom whispered something back in German and smacked him too. Tom sighed in defeat and left the car, he opened the car door for you and you hopped out of it. Tom walked behind you to your front door, as you unlocked it to reveal your dad passed out in front of the door.

You sighed and Tom looked confused. "Can you help me drag him upstairs?" you said, grabbing his arms and Tom grabbed his legs. You carried him up the stairs and your back began to feel sore from how heavy he was. You pushed open the bedroom door and dropped him onto the bed. Your dad just snored, you knew he was drunk and had passed out now. It was always your responsibility to deal with him afterwards, because no one else wanted to do it.

Tom pulled down the blanket, placing it over him and you left his bedroom, quietly shutting the door and heading back downstairs. You hopped down the stairs, trying not to create a creak because you knew if you woke up your dad it wouldn't end well, especially because a guy was with you right now. "Who the hell was that?" Tom asked, as you stood in front of the front door and unlocked it. You pulled the door open so Tom could leave.

"My dad." you said, with embarrassment and shame in your voice. He stared at you with a concerned look on your face, hesitating to leave because he didn't know if you'd be safe with your drunk passed out dad. But he left anyway, and you shut the door behind him.

As soon as he left, you began to feel emotional and embarrassed that he just saw a side of your family you didn't plan to tell him about or show. You leaned against the door, covering your face with your hands.

Who's gonna watch him when I'm gone on tour?


AUTHOR'S NOTE: yall last night was crazyy for me im in aus rn and i live in vic and there was lit an earthquake... dw im alr and everyone ik is, it was quite minor but it was so funny and unexpected it was like 12am too. i thought we got bombed ngl. hope everyone that experienced it is safe and hope u guys enjoyed this chap

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