Chapter 30: Goodmorning beautiful

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He blinked at you for a moment, before an excited grin formed on his face and he rushed to close the bedroom door.

He kicked his shoes off, and pulled his jacket and cap off of him. You shifted over, making space for him to lay next to you. He quickly pulled his shirt over his head before he finally crawled into your bed, laying next to you and pulling the duvet back onto the both of you. You quickly snuggled into his bare chest, your hands resting onto his chest. You lifted your leg up, wrapping it onto him and his hands wrapped around your waist. You were so close to eachother you feel and hear the rythm of his heartbeat, he was so nervous and excited. His chin rested onto the top of your head, before he placed a sweet kiss onto it. "Goodnight." he whispered, both of you closing your eyes and falling asleep.

You immediately dozed off, feeling so warm and safe in his arms. Every minute that passed by of him holding you, you loved so much. Despite not much happening, just you two being so close to eachother and in eachother's presence, you were so happy. Just being next to him was enough to make you feel so in love, the feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You smiled to yourself, until you finally fell asleep and ended up having the best sleep of your life.

The next morning, you woke up to your back leaning against Tom. He was still asleep, his face snuggled into the back of your neck and his hands around your waist, tied together on top of your stomach. You could feel his breath coming in and out of his nostrils, the warm air hitting the nape of your neck. You yawned, trying to climb out of his grip slowly so he wouldn't wake up.

You sat up over the ledge of the bed, stretching your arms out. You glanced at your clock and saw it was already 7:11AM. You glanced over your shoulder, to see Tom sleeping like a baby.

Why does he have to be so cute?

You admired how adorable he looked when he was sound asleep, and couldn't help but stare for a little more before you finally got up and entered your bathroom.

You flicked the lightswitch and closed the bathroom door. You washed your face with cold water and brushed your teeth and tongue. You were so hungover, your head ached and you could barely keep your eyes open because of the bright bathroom light. You then noticed the marks Tom had left all over your neck and chest from last night and smirked, your hand running over the marks. You exited the bathroom, Tom still being asleep.

You headed downstairs, the house was quiet and everyone's cars were gone, so you and Tom had the entire house to yourselves. You decided to make a nice breakfast for you and Tom, to show him how much you love him. You chose to make basic pancakes, and began mixing the batter together and pouring into the pan on the stove after you combined and gathered all of the ingredients.

You finished making three pancakes and planned to make atleast five more so you both had enough to eat. You whipped up some more batter, cooking it on the stove. As you were waiting for the batter to cook, you felt two arms snake around your waist and a chin rest onto your shoulder. You smiled, knowing it was Tom being cheeky. "Goodmorningg" you sang, flipping the pancake onto it's other side as Tom placed a kiss onto your shoulder. "Goodmorning beautiful." he responded, placing another kiss onto your neck, then moving up to your cheek. You giggled, moving away from him because you knew he wouldn't stop kissing you.

You pulled a plate towards you, sliding the pancake onto your spatula and placing it onto the plate. Tom began helping you cook by getting the toppings ready, pulling out some cups and pouring things like fruits and syrups into them.

After you finished making all of the pancakes, three for you and four for Tom, you carried the two plates and set the table. "what do you wanna drink?" he asked, pulling the fridge open. "Tea, please." you replied. He nodded and closed the fridge before he filled the kettle with water, turning it on. You grabbed all of the cups Tom had filled with toppings and scattered them across the table. The smell of sweetness filled your nostrils, making you even more hungry.

Tom began making you and him some tea, pouring it into two mugs. He held them both, carefully placing them beside the plates full of stacked pancakes. He pulled out a chair for you, you smiled, "why thank you." you curtsied, he laughed and sat down in front of you. Tom poured some nutella over his pancakes, then decorating it in strawberries as he grabbed a bunch of em in his hand. He topped off his pancakes with some powdered sugar, sprinkling it over the strawberries and nutella.

You poured maple syrup over your pancakes, then grabbed a handful of banana slices and spread them over the syrup. You grabbed the can of whipped cream, shaking it and spraying some of it on top of you and Tom's pancakes before he snatched the bottle off you and sprayed some of it in his mouth. You grabbed a fork and knife, cutting into the pancakes and taking a bite. You were both eating and Tom kept annoyingly chewing and loudly slurping, you repeatedly yelled at him to stop but he just did it even louder when you told him off.

"I like your neck." he randomly said, you stared at him weirdly before you realised. "Shut up." you laughed, pulling your shirt up and he laughed at you.

You continued talking normally, having good conversations and you felt so good knowing he was with you. Being with him just felt so right, but you didn't know how you were going to tell everyone else that without being harassed and hated on for it.

After you finished eating, Tom put all of the plates in the sink and began washing them. You walked past him and jokingly grabbed his ass, laughing. "Ay!" he laughed back, his cheeks turning pink as he looked over at you and quickly back at the plate he was scrubbing at.

You went upstairs to your bedroom, flipping open your phone and seeing you literally had 27 missed calls. Your mouth dropped, all of them being from either Bill, Katrina, or Ramona. You then looked at your messages and saw you had another 52. You covered your mouth. You were so tired you couldn't deal with everyone, and just tossed your phone away.

You were going to use this day to spend time with Tom, fuck everyone else.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: i dont have much to say here, but hope u enjoyedd.

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