Chapter 31: You got a toothbrush?

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You walked back downstairs, seeing Tom with a tea towel and dish in his hand, drying it and putting it back in it's place. You noticed he was still in his clothes from yesterday, and then you noticed he had wrapped up his busted knuckles in bandage.

"Do you wanna borrow some clothes?" you asked. "As if your tiny ass clothes would fit on me." he laughed. "Idiot, I meant my brother's clothes."

"Ohhhhh I forgot you have one. Have I even met him?" he looked surprised, you shook your head. You realised Tom hasn't met anyone in your family and planned to change that because you two were officially dating now.

You both went upstairs into your brother's room and let him choose something more comfortable to wear. He pulled out a black oversized graphic hoodie and black sweatpants. "I'm gonna go shower and you can go in after me, okay?" you told him, walking to your room and he followed.

"Or what if we just showered together."

You turned around and gave him a look. "What? Saves time and water, I'm just saying." he said, placing his hand on his chin and licking his lips. You laughed and rolled your eyes, "yeah as if that's the reason.", you said, opening the bathroom door to shower. You came out with a towel wrapped around your body, your hair soaking wet dripping down your back and chest. Tom entered the bathroom afterwards, and you heard the shower turn on a minute later.

By the time he finished, you had already changed and you were brushing your towel dried hair in the mirror. He came out, his blonde dreads soaking wet and a towel around his hips, just below his v line. "You got a toothbrush?" he asked, you just stared at him in awe, your mouth open and your eyes widened as you admired how hot he looked in that moment. Your eyes lingered and scanned every inch of his skin, every tone and muscle on him. You blinked, snapping back into reality and he laughed at how distracted you were.

"Yeah— It's in the uhm.." you lost your words and got up, walking to the bathroom and opening a new packet of toothbrushes from the cupboard from underneath the sink. You held one out to him, "thanks." he said, as he squeezed out toothpaste onto his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth. As you walked out, you stood in the doorway. You admired his back muscles, and the sides of his arms.

His body is so perfect.

You stared for a few more moments, before he caught you. His toothbrush innocently in his mouth, toothpaste spewing out from his lips. "Huh?" he said, continuing to brush his teeth. You just smiled and shook your head, your cheeks felt so warm. You returned back to your vanity, brushing the last few sections of your hair and tied it back into a low ponytail, pulling out two thin strands in the front. You glanced in the back of your reflection, seeing Tom dressing behind you and quickly looked away, nervously.

Don't look don't look don't look.

You desperately tried to focus on your own reflection, you could see your cheeks turning pink. He then walked up behind you after he finished changing and placed a kiss on the side of your neck, his hand around your waist as he placed another kiss. His hand slid away from your waist, "I love you." he said, placing one last kiss onto your cheek. You were so speechless with how this man made you feel you didn't know how to reply, a stunned look on your face. Your entire face felt so warm and your cheeks formed into such a bright pink.

He tied his dreads into a low bun, and you stood up from your seat. "What do you wanna do?" you asked. He shrugged, "what time is it?" he asked. He glanced back at the clock beside your bed, and saw it was already nearly 12PM

"I'm gonna answer everyone right now that I couldn't to yesterday, you go downstairs and do whatever." you told him. He nodded, and left your bedroom. You sighed, embracing yourself for what you were about to deal with.

You sat onto your bed, opened your phone back up and scrolling through the messages left for you.

hi y/n, idk if u wanna speak to me right now and i understand if u dont but i dont support what lena did and im upset at her myself, i didnt know any of this would happen and that she would go to that point. im sorry, love u.
hi y/n sorry texting again but wanna make sure u and tom are okay im not sure if he went home with u but when u open this please let me know. love u both, stay safe.

why didnt you atleast tell me?
y/n, im not mad at u. i wish u had told me, dont u dare ignore me. i deserve an apology from u because u made me feel like im not trusted enough by u. im not mad just hurt. i know u opened this so dont ignore me and talk. i thought we were 2 close friends who trusted eachother with anything and everything, but i thought wrong. so if u ignore this ur showing me u dont care.

hiiiiiiii y/nnnnnnnnnnnn listen idc that u and tom r together idk why everyone else so butthurt ab it but i honestly dont give a damn u happy im happy just wanna make sure ur alr.

There were soooooo many more you had no energy to answer them, you held your head in your hand, feeling stressed. Then Katrina began ringing you, and your heart dropped as you stared at the ringing screen. "Fuck." you muttered underneath your breath, debating whether to answer or not. You answered the call, holding the phone up to your ear.

"I wan't you and Tom to come to my office today, at 2PM. Try to avoid paparazzi."

What the fuck does she want now?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: idk if i like this chap or not, some of it was sweet and cute tho so i had fun writing that. hope u all enjoyedd

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