Chapter 12 *Romeo and Juliet

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After Hannah was transferred into a private ward, Romeo went inside to see her.

She was laying quietly on the bed with an oxygen mask on her nose. The sound of the heart monitor can be heard in the room.

Her hair was scattered on the bed with one of her hand on her stomach and there was a drip attached to the other. Her lips was dry and her eyes shut tightly.

Romeo sat down quietly and held her hand tightly he was happy she was safe now. He was lost in thoughts when his phone rang, he stood up and went outside to answer the call in other not to wake Hannah.

The police man was the one calling him.

"Hello Mr Romeo, the criminals are not talking would you like to see them?

"I will be with you in a short while" he ended the call and went back to Hannah's ward, he kissed her head and left the ward.

His car pulled up in front of the police station, the captain and the officer took him to where the criminals were kept.

"I was told you all refused to talk" he moved closer to them and grab the gang leader by the collar, the man panicked.

"Who sent you to kidnap her?he asked with a stern voice

"No one sent us" he lied.

"So let's play a game, I only have three bullets here and I will give you three opportunities to tell me the truth.
"Who asked you to kidnap her?.

The men were standing on a straight line facing Romeo, they were shaking in fear. They were faced by fear and they were in a cross road, they don't want to mention Mrs Edward name and Romeo won't let them go either.

They were all silent with their heads bow to the floor. He point the gun to the first man and pulled the trigger but nothing happened. The man he wanted to shot was saying his last prayers and was shaking with fear. He heard the gun clicked without making a sound, he opened his eyes and thank his stars for not getting shot.

"You got some lucks, I'm asking you for the second time, who ask you to kidnap her?

He pointed the gun to the second one but the man looked very scared and began to wet his pants.

"Pls don't kill me, I don't know but he is the only one that knows the madam name" he lied and point to the gang leader.

"I can't tell you, if I tell you her name, I will be dead and if I don't tell you I will be dead too either ways please just make my life easy by killing me", the gang leader said and raised both his hands up ready to die.

Romeo became irritated and drop the gun and grab his neck and punch him severally on his face. The police officer held him from the back, trying to stop him from hitting the man.

"Mr Romeo please, we will get the truth out of them" the captain assured him.

Romeo moved back a little and looked at the man in anger, then his phone rang.

He answered the call and was told Hannah was already awake. He became happy and all his anger vanished, he ended the call and turned to the captain.

"Keep me posted, make sure you get the truth out of them". He ran out and quickly drove off to the hospital.

***At the hospital***

Hannah blinked her lashes a few times before she adjust to the light in the room. She looked around and saw she was in the hospital. Did she get saved? Who rescued her?, It must be Romeo! She wanted to sit up when the door of her room opened and it was Romeo!.

Hannah stretch out her hand to him, she just wanted to hold him, maybe she misses him as much as he misses her too.

Romeo took her weak hand in his hand and held her tightly, he drop the small shopping bag in his hand on the table and sat near her, he removed the oxygen mask and he helped her to sit up.

"I know you would come get me" Hannah whispered softly.
I dreamt one of those men wanted to kill me but you saved me".

"But Romeo, everything is just because of the contract right? Or is there something else".

Romeo stood up from the bed and Hannah held his wrist. "You have not give your reply me, this just a contract? Romeo I want to know, pls tell me" she asked with tears filled in her eyes already, she just want to know if he was taking care of her just because of the contract or he liked her as much as she has beginning to like him too or perhaps she has fallen in love with romeo.

"I brought something for you" he changed the topic, he was not going to make himself vulnerable or make his feelings show towards a woman so he won't be hurt or taken advantage of.

Hannah nod her head and smiled, she hold back the urge to cry and bite her lips.

Romeo saw the sadness and disappointment on Hannah's face and breathed out, he won't admit to saying what Hannah wants to hear from him. He has already accepted Hannah in his heart but he won't admit it.

He brought our a bowl of ice cream from the bag he was holding earlier.

"I know you love ice cream, I brought it for you". He opened it and fed Hannah the ice cream. " Thank you" she replied with a smile.

Doctor Damian came in and saw Romeo feeding Hannah ice cream.

"Oh my! Oh my! Romeo and juliet, please can't you both have mercy on us the single association, you both are so in love" Damian winked at Romeo and Hannah looked away shyly.

Damian checked Hannah and turned to Romeo, "you can take her home for more romance, you both don't need to wait any longer"

Romeo shook his head and smiled but honestly he can't wait to take Hannah home with him.

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