Chapter 18 *Victor

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**At Edward mansion***

Melissa was sitting down on a sofa in the living room, patting her flat tummy.

Ever since she got pregnant she has been treated like a queen in the Edward's house and her wedding with Sam had been arranged for the end of the month and she can't wait to become the daughter in law of the house while her cousin is just a mistress.

Yes she hates Hannah so much and she just doesn't want her to ever get married into the Edward house.

All the maids in the house hate Melissa because she was so saucy and rude, she treats everyone of them as if they were a curse, but they couldn't talk because they were all scared of her.

"Hey you, get me some apples" Melissa commanded.

The maid quickly went to get the apples, not wanting to get on Melissa's bad side. She came back with the apple and handed it over to Melissa.

Melissa stood up, and examined the apples, she gave the maid a slap on her face.

"Do you want to kill me? Do you want to endanger my baby's life? How dare you give me rotten apples" Melissa screamed.

"I'm sorry madam, the apples aren't rotten apples they are absolutely fine.

Melissa raised her hand to slap the maid face again for talking back at her when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and her hand dropped.

She doesn't want anyone to know who was calling her, so she quickly ran up to her room to answer the call.

"Hello, I told you not to call me, what exactly is your problem".

"Hey, I heard you are getting married soon, Melissa you can't do that, what about me, what about us". the caller said

"There's no us, I'm getting married and I'm also pregnant for my husband to be, Melissa said softly.

"Melissa please, I love you don't do this to me and you and I know the baby might be mine".

Melissa held her phone tightly, did he perhaps know the truth? She doesn't want anyone to find out not even Sam, she has to protect this secret well.

"It's not your baby, it's Sam's child so leave me alone and stop bothering me, I don't want Sam to know about you".

Sam walked in on time just to hear the last words.

"What don't you want me to know about? Sam asked.

Melissa froze at the spot with her phone still on her ear. Did he hear her? Did he know what she was hiding? He swallowed hard and quickly ended the call. She turned around with a smile on her face.

"Hmmm... It's nothing serious, I ordered a pair of shoes I really like but I was short of money, so I don't want you to know about it. She lied.

"Really, what happened to the credit card I gave you and why did you not ask me for the money? Sam wondered.

"Oh the credit card, I completely forgot about it, you know pregnancy makes one forget things, I will go and make the payment right away" Melissa said.

Sam walked closer to her and touched her tummy lovely. The baby was the only reason he wanted to marry Melissa in the first place and he really cared about it.

"How is the baby doing? Did you eat and take your medication?

"Yes, I did, we both miss you while you were away" Melissa said.

Sam kissed her tummy and placed his ear on it gently.

"I miss you too, I can't wait for you to be out, he said

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