Chapter 20 *Mute

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Romeo arrived at the hospital in no time and ran in, he met Victor at the hospital looking so sad. Was he sad because of his own Hannah?

“Where is she, how is she doing?

“Oh Romeo you are here, Hannah was calling unto you in her unconscious state on our way to the hospital, she is inside being attended to.

“Thank you for bringing her here"

Romeo has forgotten his resentment towards him, he was grateful he was able to bring her here on time.

Just then the door opened and the doctor walked in.

“Who is the family of the lady inside?”

“I” they both chorused.

“Hmmm...I’m confused, the doctor said.

"You can talk to him" Victor said pointing at Romeo.

“Yes, talk to me how’s she doing?

“Okay, she is out of danger now but still unconscious and her wound will take a long time to heal and for the scar she needs special treatment which requires a lot of money", the doctor explained.

“I don’t care how much it cost but please make sure she is fine, can I go see her?


Romeo walked to her ward and saw her sleeping quietly, tears threatened to fall out when he saw bandage on her neck, she must be hurting badly.

He sat beside her and kissed her hand gently. “I told you not to go out but you are just too stubborn, I can’t wait to scold you when you wake up".

But why would she go out without telling me, he went through her phone and saw a strange number, he went to the call record and listen to their conversation.

He dropped the phone and stormed out in anger. It was victor that endanger Hannah’s life.

“How is she, Victor asked when he saw Romeo but instead of Romeo to answer he gave him a punch.

“How dare you? You called her and she get hurt, you can’t even protect her, Romeo said giving him a good beating but surprisingly Victor didn’t fight back because he knew he deserved it.

Romeo kept punching victor until the doctors and the nurses came and held him. The nurses took Victor away for treatment and Romeo pushed the doctors away and went to Hannah’s ward.

Old Edward and his assistant Mr Cooper went to the hospital to see Hannah.

“I came here as soon as I heard, how’s she doing?? he asked Romeo.

“The doctor said she’s fine and we just need to wait. I warned her not to go out but she’s just too stubborn to listen, I really tried" he said amidst tears.

He hugged his father and he did the same, he can’t recall when last he had called him dad or hugged him.

“It’s alright son, she’s gonna be fine”

Romeo cleaned his tears and told his dad to go home so that he would take care of Hannah.

After his dad left, he sat down beside Hannah, waiting patiently for her to wake up.

He looked beside her and saw her diary beside her,he picked it and started reading it.

“Hi diary, I’ve missed you a lot but I missed my parents more, today is my birthday and nobody wished me but I’m happy I bought a cupcake for myself.

Romeo flipped through the next page.

“Hi diary, I met a handsome young man today, he helped me when my aunt sent me out but he’s a very cold person and I don’t know why his face is always like this (she drew a very funny face on the page)

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