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"Sooo. . . Who was that?" August said coming up behind Theo who still had me on his shoulder.

"These guys I met, they were really nice."

"What're their names?"

"Get this: the oldest one is Darrel, normal right? The middle brother is Sodapop." August stares at me weird "I'm not kidding. And finally the youngest is named Ponyboy." August starts laughing, I tell him I'm 100% serious and he just laughs more

"Are you really going to hang out with them tomorrow?" Theo asks turning his head to me

"Yup! It sounds fun, plus they are my friends." I nudge Theo. "You should take some notes."

"Shut up. I can get friends."

"That doesn't include me dipshit." Theo has always had trouble getting friends.

"I didn't mean you!" He puts me down, I fall back and start talking to August.

"So did you two meet anyone on your walk?"

"Yeah we met this guy named Bob, he was alright. His girlfriend on the other hand-" he whistles "She was so pretty."

"Well it seems like she's taken so find someone else."

"I'm not going to do anything. I was just saying that she is very pretty." He said looking at the clouds

"You think the moving truck is here yet?" I asked both of them.

"I dunno." Theo said shortly.

"Very helpful. Thank you Theodore." I said sarcastically

"I'll race you back to the house!" August started running and me and Theo did too after a couple seconds, I caught up to August and I almost beat him to the front door but he got there first. We all fell down on the entrance floor, huffing and trying to breath.

"What did you do?" My Mom asks coming down the stairs, we all were sweating and panting, I'm sure it looked like we had gotten in to something .

"Aussie raced us," I huffed out. "He won."

"Damn right I did," He said trying to stand up "My legs feel like jello." He sat back down.

"Hey ma, when does the moving truck get here?" Theo asked getting his breathing under control.

"Any minute now, sweetie." She leaned on the wall and looked out the window.

"Mom? Can we go out to eat after the moving truck leaves?" I walked over to her.

"Sure. We'll just have to see if there is anything good around." There was a couple moments of silence. "The trucks here!" She opened the door and the next thing we knew these guys were all over our house putting boxes and furniture everywhere. My mom looked stressed while she was trying to tell them where all the boxes and furniture went, we all looked at each other. We started helping mom out, we moved the boxes that were in the wrong rooms, we helped move the furniture, and we pulled several muscles in the process.

     By the time the movers had left we were too tired to go out, instead we just went to bed. It was nice to have my bed again, I had been sleeping in a car for two days, oh and that one hotel. Even though I didn't have anything on the bed except a blanket it still felt nice.

    I woke up before everyone else so I started unpacking some of my stuff. I got most of my clothes put away, made my bed, and unrolled some of my posters. "You've been busy." I jumped, I turned around to see my mom.

"Hi mom, I just thought I would get a head start on unpacking." She smiles at me.

"You are just like your father, always on top of things, social, and a wiseass." She chuckled and I hugged her. I loved my dad, he was my favorite parent so hearing that I was just like him made my heart jump.

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