| Introductions | 3 |

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"Okay that's the last box! I have officially completed unpacked all of my stuff." I say to no one, my room looks great. It looks similar to my one back in California but with a few differences.  My mom walks by my room "Wow it looks great in here! But I'm surprised you're still here."

"What do you mea- oh shit!" I completely forgot about the DX! I look at my watch and it's 4:49, it's an at least a 15 minute walk to the DX. "Bye mom!" And I run out of the house, and I run most of the way to the DX but I'm still kinda late. When I get there I'm sweaty and can't breathe.

    After a couple of seconds Soda and Steve come outside and they see me breathing slightly better "Oh hey! Are you alright?" Soda says locking the front door

"Yeah I'm fine, I just ran here."

". . . Why?" Steve asks me

"I didn't want to be late."

"Oh, well we were running late anyway so it worked out fine." Soda double checks the door "okay lets get going." Him and Steve start walking off

I follow behind them "So where are we going"

"To my house." Soda says

". . . Why"

"Thats where the gang always hangs out." I shrug and keep following them, we talk about our day on the way. After a 10 minute walk we're already at his house, it's a small little place with a chain fence out front and steps to the front door, I can hear some commotion inside.

Soda and Steve start to make their way to the door but I stay still "You okay?" Soda looks at me with concern.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous to meet new people," I take a couple deep breaths and join them in front of the door "I'm ready." And we step in the door.

When I walk in I see so much. There is a guy on the floor eating cake and drinking, Darrel's in a recliner, Ponyboy and another kid are playing a card game in the corner, and theres a guy in the kitchen rummaging around. "Whoa." The guy on the floor sees me and he has a puzzled look on his face.

"Wait? Did Soda bring home a girl?" He says with a smile on his face. A few of the other guys turned to look at me, my face got hot out of embarrassment and I looked at the ground.

"No it's not like that, She's just my friend!" He says putting his hands up

"Oh is that the chick you said moved in down the street?" The guy in the kitchen said. Chick? Rude.

Soda rolls his eyes "Okay Stacy, the guy in the kitchen is Dallas or Dally, the dumbass on the floor is Two-Bit, and the kid next to Ponyboy is Johnny."

"That's a lot of information." I'm looking at all the guys in front of me, I start whispering the names to myself so I remember them.

"So what's your name pretty lady?" 'Two-Bit' asks winking at me.

"It's Stacy, Stacy Greene." I murmured

"Nice to meet you Stacy Greene. . ." Hey eyes me up and down "Y'know I actually have a thing for blondes-"

"Okay that's enough out of you Keith." Steve says pushing him over. My eyes are wide, after 10 seconds of meeting me he had tried to ask me out? What the hell?

"Sorry about him, he's probably drunk." Soda says to me, "Why don't you go talk to Johnny." He points to the kid in the corner so I make my way over there.

"Hey, you're Johnny right?" I ask the kid

"Yeah, that's me."

"Hey how old are you? You look about 13." He's got sort of a lost puppy look.

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