| Laced | 22 |

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I felt myself get placed on the couch at the Curtis's, Darry was immediately concerned and they told him what happened. He told everyone to just leave me alone till I wake up, and if I don't wake up by tomorrow he's taking me to the hospital. The house settled down and it was oddly quiet, Steve had went home to go talk to Hannah but I think he's the only one who left. The only sounds I could really hear were Darry washing dishes and the TV. Is everyone asleep? Did more people leave and I just missed it? When the hell am I going to wake up?

After a long time I started feeling better than before, I felt more aware like I was in my head again. Can I move? Start with something simple like your fingers. I move various parts of me seeing if I can fully move and I can. I can open my eyes too, as soon as I make that discovery I sit bolt upright. It scares everyone in the room but I don't care. I look at my hands flexing them and moving them around,

"Finally! I can move again!" I laugh

"You're awake," someone says, I don't care who

"Awake?" I laugh "I've been awake this whole damn time! I just couldn't move until now." I take a deep breath. "I could hear and feel everything but I couldn't do a thing, it was horrible!" I'm borderline hysterical.

I look around, everyone looks concerned. "Stacy are you okay?" Soda asks me

"I'm great I can finally move again! I mean you just don't get how annoying it is,"

Two-Bit who is sitting next to Soda whispers something to him and Soda goes down the hallway. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I notice that I haven't stopped flexing my hands and balling them into fists yet so I stop. "Why do you keep asking me that?"

"Because you aren't acting normal, and your eyes are all. . . Red."  Two replies

I was about to respond when Darry comes in, "Stacy you're awake," I nod "Do you feel okay?"

"My head kinda hurts, why?" I tell him

"You might have a concussion."

I didn't fall that far did I? "What makes you say that?"

"Well you're swaying," oh shit I am, I try to stop "your eyes are bloodshot, and you're apparently acting weird."

Soda shrugs "Maybe she's just drunk-"

"I'm not drunk." I cut him off "I had one beer! You all know I can take more than just one beer!" Soda puts his hands up "If anything blame him!" I point to Dallas, having to half sling my arm half lift it.

"Stacy I never gave you a beer. And you never came over to get one." I bring my arm down and stare at him "I had two, Steve had one, and Two-Bit had one. We still have two left so it wasn't me." 

I furrow my brow and look at my lap trying to remember who gave me that beer "I have no memory of hardly anything after we got there."

"It was probably some sleezebag who put something in all his drinks so people would 'have a good time" Dally says. I think about it for a minute, someone gave me a beer that was laced with something, I fainted and then just couldn't move. Yep sounds great, fantastic. A chill shoots up my spine and my blood runs cold, what if it was Jesse? Just the thought sends my world wobbly and my tear ducts go on standby. No. It wasn't him. Can't be. He's still in California, probably still living in his dad's basement.

"That sounds most likely." I say

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" Darry asks me yes and it's not just because of the fainting, now I'm scared of the 1% possibility that Jesse came all the way to Tulsa and somehow found me at a party, drugged me, then just left me there? No I'm definitely going insane.

Beach Babe | The Outsiders | Johnny CadeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon