| Dream | 41 |

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(Get ready this is a long one)

(You can skip if you want it doesn't really add to the plot)

(Just thought it was too cute to wait until to publish, especially for what we're about to get into)

        We decided to head back when it got darker. We blew out the candles and were just going to come back tomorrow and get everything since we didn't feel like lugging it around tonight.  We walked back to my house hand in hand, giggling and giving each other lots of pecks in different places the whole time. When we got to my front stoop he gave me a long kiss and told me he loved me again

He sighs "Guess this ends the night, I'd better be heading home before my parents get worried." His parents couldn't give a shit whether he was dead, in Canada, or found the cure for cancer. But sure. I hate his parents.

He starts to walk away but I pull him back and close to me "Or... you could stay.." The tips of his ears turn pink

"I.. I'd like that." I smile and take him by the hand and walk up to my room, he does a slow spin when gets in. "What do you think?" I'm so glad I cleaned the other day.

"It's... colorful, like you." He looks at the various posters that cover pretty much every inch of my wallpaper. I kick off my sneakers "Where'd you get all these from?"

"Oh... uh.. I stole a lot, bought a couple, and got gifted some. I couldn't tell you which ones, I've had a lot over the years." I start going through my dresser looking for some pajamas, I pick out a matching button up and short set, it's a nice mauve color that's lined with this super soft stuff and silk on the outside. It's my most presentable set and looks the best on me "Hey do you want some sweats to sleep in?" He nods "Okay! I'll be right back!" I step out of my room and down to August's, he's got like twenty pairs of sweatpants and only ever wears one.

I barge in his room and go to his dresser, he's writing something "Stacy- what're you doing?"

"Pilfering your sweats."

He furrows his brow "Okay, why?"

"Johnnys staying over, he doesn't want to sleep in jeans." I notice August slightly pale when I said Johnny was over. I hope he regrets jumping him. I hope he's realllll guilty. I grab a pair of dark gray sweats. "K bye."

I walk back upstairs and hand them to Johnny, he takes off his jean jacket and hangs it on my bed post "Where's your bathroom?"

"Across the hall, the door on left." When he leaves I take off my makeup and change in the pajama set. I don't expect anything to happen tonight but a girl can still look good right? The shorts are definitely shorter and tighter than I remember them being but it's whatever, I must've put on a few pounds or something. I sit on my bed at the same time he comes back in the room. The sweats surprisingly fit him pretty well.

When he sees me he turns brights red "You- uh- you look really good." He's so cute when he's flustered "That color looks real good on you."

"Thank you Johnny." He sits on the floor in front of me "Whatcha doin'?" I grin

He shrugs "This is where I'm sleeping' right? I thought I might as well sit here."

"If you really want to sleep down there let me at least get you a bunch of blankets instead of the cold hard floor alright?" He nods "....Or y'know... you could come up here with me and we could cuddle." I say quietly

In a matter of seconds he's on the bed "I prefer that one" he yawns "especially the cuddling part."

"You tired?" He nods "Good, me too." I walk over and turn my lights off leaving just the moonlight pouring in through my windows I feel my way back to the bed and crawl under the covers. As soon as I do Johnny pulls me against him and wraps his arms around my waist, I wrap my arms around him and entangle our legs. I'm curled up against his chest listening to him breathe and hearing his heart beat. He must've gotten some cologne from somebody, his usual smell of fresh cut grass and cigarettes now has cedar wood and a general man smell mixed in, I don't hate it. He occasionally strokes my hair or gives me a forehead kiss, I don't know if he did it a lot. I was out pretty soon.

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