| Movie | 51 |

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Theo bought entirely too much shit. We had enough to make two pies, so we did. It was chaotic and messy and I nearly banished him from the kitchen but they got made. Afterwards I cooked bacon, eggs, and toast, we ate that with the pumpkin pie. It was so insanely good, I don't know how my dad made these recipes but they were like crack to me. I was going to take the other one to the Curtis's as payback for the cake. When we finished Theo did the dishes and I got ready to leave. I told him I was going to the movies and not to do anything stupid then I left with the pie in some clingfilm in a bag.

     The walk over to the Curtis's was very nice. I know I'm supposed to have someone with me at all times but I just needed a minute alone. The sky barely even had a cloud in it and the air was cool and crisp, autumn leaves littered the ground and crunched underneath my boots. I loved the way fall smells here, you can actually smell the leaves and colder air, in Cali all you smell was the salt from the sea. I did miss it though.

     I walked through the door and saw Ponyboy, Steve, and Sodapop at the kitchen table, Pony doing homework while Steve was tossing cards at Soda, and Two-Bit was sat on the floor watching the morning cartoons with a beer.

Ponyboy looks up from his homework "Hey Stacy! What's with the bag?"

"I brought a present, it's payback for indirectly stealing your cake." I take it out of the bag and set it on the table"I present: Sawyer Greene's San Francisco famous pumpkin pie."

"That looks real tasty." Steve says

"Eat some! I just made it like an hour ago, may even still be warm."

To my relief Steve didn't just grab a hand full and shove it in his face, he actually got a knife and plates for everyone. He cut himself a slice... then ate it with his hands. Is he allergic to forks?

I waited nervously for a response from him, I really hoped he liked it. "Yeah alright." He says


"Yeah this is mine, no one else can eat this. Too good for any of you." He pulled the platter closer to himself. Oh good, he likes it.

"Well now I've gotta try it!" Soda got a slice and thankfully used a fork, "That's really good Stacy!"

I smile "Thank you!" I sit next to Steve.

"Soda let me try," Pony takes Soda's fork and eats part of it "Whoa, that is delicious."

"I'm so glad you guys like it!" They like it! Hell yeah! Dad would be proud.

Two-Bit comes in to the dining room "What're you ladies chatting about in here?"

"Stacy made the best pie I've ever had." Steve says with a mouthful. Really??

Two picks up the whole thing "I'll be the judge of that." He takes it off and comes back with a fork and eats a piece. "I will admit, that is pretty tasty." He sets it down and eats more and so does everyone else, within minutes half of the damn thing is gone.

I chuckle "Jesus you guys eat like horses. Leave a little for Johnny, Dal, and Darry, will ya?"

"What're we leaving for me?" Johnny says appearing behind me, scaring the shit out of me and making me jump. He sits down beside me.

Two-Bit puts his fork with the knife on the platter and slides it down the table towards him "That. Chef Greene over here made a masterpiece of a pie. Try it."

"Alright." I watch very closely as he eats it, I can't really read his expression and it's slightly worrying me.

"What do you think?" I ask

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