| Stupid | 25 |

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     One week without the gang quickly turned into two. It was honestly so boring. No drama. No fights. No nothing. Most interesting thing that happened to me wasn't even to me. Theo almost got jumped last Tuesday night, he came home in the early hours of the morning eyes wide and sweaty. He ended up in soc territory and was cornered into an alleyway for hours till the coast was clear and he could slip into the night and get back to our side of the tracks.

      School was just okay. I didn't talk to anyone in the gang. . . besides Ponyboy. He just looked so sad in creative writing I couldn't handle it, he's just a kid. I didn't talk to him too much but he kept me updated on the gang. Steve beat up two socs and now he's got a target on his back, Johnnys parents have been getting more violent, and Twos been all mopey. But I knew that, he's come up to me every day for these two weeks.

"6 more days Keith"

"Five more days Keith"

"Four days Keith"

"Three days Keith."

"Two days Keith."

"Monday Two-Bit."

     I will admit I miss him, but I needed these two weeks. I haven't feared for my life once! But for the gang it's kinda worth it.

    The cut I got from the socs is scarring, it's larger than I thought, apparently when I hit the guy holding the knife he drug it further up my face before he dropped it. So it goes from my mouth up to about an inch below my eye, it's super faint towards the end though so that's good.

       I became really good friends with that girl Leah in my home ec class. I was going to her house in a couple hours and staying for the weekend.  I was all packed and ready I was just waiting for her phone call. Her parents were going away for the weekend and she had to wait for them to leave first, her parents don't like her having friends over, especially a greaser.

After waiting forever the phone rang "Hey Stace!"

"Hey Leah! All good?"

"All good, the lions are out of the cage." She says coolly

   I jumped in my truck and sped the whole to her house. She lived in the middle class part of town, her house is bigger and nicer than mine. I rang the doorbell with excitement spilling over inside me. Leah opened the door... standing... with no chair in sight. I haven't asked her why she was in a wheelchair but now I'm confused. I stepped into the house.

She leads me to her living room and plops down on the couch "If you don't mind me asking, where's your wheelchair?" I ask timidly

"Oh, I don't have to use it for small distances." I have more questions. She reads my mind and turns to me "I have a disability that causes my connective tissue to be super weak so my joints dislocate at too much movement and cause pain, so I use the chair for distances longer than the house so I'm not in pain and I'm not dislocating." She sighs "But anyway," her face changes from sad to excitement "What do you want to do?" I shrug

"We can go to my room and listen to some music?" She offers

I nod "Yeah that sounds fun." We started going up to the third floor where her room was- three floors? If this is middle class where the hell do socs live?

I had asked her why she lived in a three story house for just her. "Oh it isn't just me, I have two brothers and a sister. Plus my stepdads daughter."

"So stepsister?" She glared at me

"She's not my sister." Okay.

The house was quiet for having four other kids living in it "Where are your siblings?"

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