| Night | 4 |

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"Get back here!" I was trying to run but I think my leg was broken

I opened the door to the outside to see it surrounded by police cars "Put your hands in the air!" I collapsed on the ground and started crying, an officer carried me over to her car. After 3 long months I was saved.

"Stacy get back here-" Jesse comes out but freezes in place.

"Drop the weapon and put your hands in the air." The officer barks. I hear the clang of the knife hit the ground. An officer walks over handcuffing Jesse, he starts telling him his rights but I don't think he's listening, he's just staring at me.

"I'm coming back for you!" He shouts while being forced into the car "This isn't ov-" the door slams.

     I wake up in a cold sweat shaking. I look at my window and it's dark out, I slept all day? I creep down stairs and into the kitchen and heat up a microwave dinner and scarf it down.

     I return to my room and lay down trying to sleep, I try for what feels like hours. I can't sleep. I change my clothes, grab my knife, and go outside. I sit on my front steps for a second but I get bored and start walking around the neighborhood.

     I've done a few laps of the neighborhood by now and I was about to head home when I see a figure on the street in front of me. I take my knife out and cautiously keep walking down the street. As I get closer the figure becomes more familiar.

He's leaning against a light post, yeah that's him. "Johnny?" I call out. He jumps and turns around to face me.

I start walking towards him quickly "Stacy? What're you doing out this late?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I stand beside him. I can see him more clearly now, he's got a bruise on the side of his face and a busted lip.

"Got into a fight with my folks." He kicks a rock with his foot, he looks really upset.

"Me too. . ." He pulls out a cigarette "Although I don't think it was as bad as yours." He takes a drag off his cigarette.

He looks around "You wanna go somewhere else? Like the lot?"

"What's the lot?"

"It's this big open field forest thing over by my house, me and Pony hang out there all the time."

"Sure. I don't feel like going home yet anyway." And we start walking, it's a nice night so I didn't mind staying out.

  We walked for awhile in a comfortable silence. Johnny started walking off the sidewalk and into this field thing and I followed him, we got to this little area under a tree with a campfire and on old car seat. "This is where we usually hang out, it isn't much but it's enough." He sits down and starts a fire, I sit beside him.

"So what did you and folks fight about?" I ask him

"I didn't do the dishes before 9 pm. . ." my heart drops, does he really go through that everyday, are his parents the ones who beat him? "What about you?"

"My mom didn't like the fact that I hug out with boys, It sounds stupid in comparison to yours."

He turns to me "It's not stupid, but why doesn't your mom like you hangin' out with us?"

"It's a really long story and it's part of the reason we left California."

"We got time and I'm not going anywhere." He's completely turned to me now with his legs crossed.

I grinned "Okay but don't say I didn't warn you when you get bored and I'm only halfway through."

He gives me a half-smile "I said I wanted to hear the story so tell it. I don't care how long or 'boring' it is." I felt my face get hot and my mind went blank for a couple seconds.

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