| Classes | 19 |

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Two-Bit talked the entire first period, it usually would drive me insane but it was oddly comforting. Like I was just sitting on the couch at the Curtis's goofing of with him. The teacher looked hungover as hell so he just told everyone to 'get to know each other'. Then he laid his head down on the desk and never picked it back up while we were in there. When the bell rang it took me forever to get my stuff in my bag for some reason,

"Would ya hurry up?" Two whined

He said it right as I finished "I'm done I'm done!" I closed my bag and walked out with him

His class wasn't in the same direction as mine so he was shouting directions at me over the loud hall noises "Alright Mrs. Smith is going to be the third door on the right after you pass the giant WR on the wall, just keep going straight." He walked a few more feet with me then had to spilt.

      It felt like a weight got dropped on my shoulders, my breathing quickens as a walk down the hall through the crowds. I saw the WR painted on the wall and started counting the doors as I passed them

One. . .

Two. . .

Three. I push through the others in the hall and end up in the class. No familiar faces yet. I sit in one of the chairs against the back wall, I don't want to draw any attention to myself. As the five minute class change progressed more people poured including Steve, I was glad to see him. . . For the first time. He grinned when he saw me

He plopped down in the seat next to me "Hey Stevie"

He chuckled"Nope. Don't call me Stevie. Steak." Did he just call me steak?? Okay I'm never not calling him Stevie for that.

"Sorry. . . Stevie" I said

He looked away with a smirk for a moment then turned back to me "I'll move. I'll leave you allllll alone in the corner over here. How would you like that Steak?"

I fake scoffed "Fine. Steve"

"Thank you Steak." I am going to kill him later. I stick my tongue out and tell him to shove it when the teacher walks in.

"Okay hello class I am Mrs. Smith," she writes it on the board "and welcome to Advanced Placement Government!" Steve's eyes go wide "I am going to go ahead and pass out your textbooks and I want you to sign your name in it." She walks over to her desk where stacks of textbooks lay and she starts passing them out.

"I'm not supposed to be here!" Steve whisper-yells at me. I give him the 'What?' look. "You think I'm smart enough to be in AP? No way. I'll go get this fixed later."

"Please don't." He looks at me "don't leave me alone in here." He sighs "Look I'll do all your work so you can have a B and stay in here, just please?"

"Okay. But this means I get to call you Steak and you can't get mad." I roll my eyes


     Mrs. Smith makes it to the back row and hands me and Steve our books. I open the front cover and sign my name and put the year in the little slot. The class goes silent waiting for further instructions.

"Okay time for role!" Mrs Smith calls out cutting through the silence. She stars calling it out slowly off her clipboard making sure to ask people if she says names right. "Masonn Fatch?" 'Here' comes from the front "Andrea Greene?" Every single one of my muscles contract hearing my middle name. Why? Why, why why why?

"I go by Stacy." I half shout to her. She writes something down on her clipboard and keeps going. I can already feel Steve's eyes staring at me. I have a feeling "Steak" wont be the only thing he's calling me now. I don't even turn to face Steve. "Don't even." I say. I can see out of the corner of my eye that he's just got a dopey smile plastered on his face.

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