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Mom left a week ago, I was still so mad I had barely said a word to her before she left. She got us registered for school, bought me a car and left. I had gotten a 1962 Ford F-Series truck, it was light blue with a tan leather interior. I love it.

     I had told the gang about my mom and they were pretty irritated at her like me, but they were also supportive. Especially Darry, he has been giving me a bunch of tips on how to raise and take care of August, considering he's been doing such a great job with Pony and Soda. Now that I'm thinking about it why is he the one raising them? Where are their parents ? I push the question out of my mind and instead think about how kind everyone had been about this, It made me feel a whole lot better about the whole thing.

    August and Theo have both been handling it in different ways, August is almost never home anymore, he spends all of his time out with friends. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he's got friends but I just wish he'd spend more with me and Theo. Speaking of Theo, he hasn't really changed much but I can tell he's upset. He has been hanging out with friends more so that's good.

     I was laying on my bed listening to Elvis when I heard shouting from downstairs. I turned the music way down so I could hear "Stacy! Stacy! Get down here would'ya?" Theo shouted. I hurried down the stairs and saw Theo holding the wall phone in his hand. "Finally! I only yelled for five minutes" he hands me the phone, stretching the cord "here, it's for you." Whose calling me? Is it mom or the gang?

I press the phone up to my ear "Hello?"

"Stacy?" I hear a familiar voice say

"Marshall?" I shout

"Yeah it's me!" I hear his voice say, Marshall was my best friend back in San Francisco. I had know him since Kindergarten when he picked me to be on his team for soccer. My other best friend was his little sister Hannah, she was only a year and a half younger than us but we still called her little.

"Marshall oh my god! I've missed you so much!" How'd he get my number?

"I missed you too Lacy! How's it going out in the yee-haw country?" Yee-Haw country? Really Marshall?

"It's going pretty good actually! I've met a bunch of new friends out here. How's Hannah?"

"She's alright, she's probably making out with her boyfriend somewhere." I can actually hear the eye roll

"Little Hannah has a boyfriend? Since when?" For as long as I've known Hannah she's never had an interest in boys.

"Since right after you left. I hate the guy, he's dumb and annoying."

"I'm sure he's fine you just don't like Hannah dating."

"Nuh uh" he says in a childish tone

"Great argument"

       I must've been on that phone for over an hour. I was just catching up on all the latest gossip with our friends and all that. And he caught up on all my stuff, I told him all about Tulsa, the gang, Johnny, Socs V. Greasers, and the insanely low prices on stuff. His mother started yelling at him so I could tell the phone call was about end.

I can hear him yell something to his mom then comes back to the phone "Hey Stacy I have to go soon but the real reason I wanted to call is because I want to come visit you, I'm 18 so I can buy my own plane tickets and was wondering if you'd be alright with that."

"Hell yeah I'd love a visit from you!" I'm giddy at the prospect of getting to see him

"Great! You don't mind if Hannah comes right?"

"No I love Hannah you can bring her!"

"Okay well I call you tomorrow with the details. My mom is coming at me with a sandal so bye-" the line cuts and it goes silent. I chuckle, his mom never did like me. I didn't care though it's not like it ever stopped him or Hannah from hanging out with me.

Theo leans on the wall in front of me "Marshall huh?"

"Yeah! I'm so happy he's coming to visit!"

He cocks his head to the side "You know he had a huge crush on you right?" 

"Yeah I know, we dated remember?" I tap my temple telling him to think.

"Of course I remember that stupid. I mean after that, after you broke up he said he didn't have feelings for you anymore but he did, he just wanted the break up to go well so you kept being friends." No way

"There's no way he likes me, plus I've been gone for over a month he's for sure moved on if he did ever even like me in the first place."

"Whatever you say" he puts his hands up and walks away, I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to the Curtis's, do the dishes and when August comes back make him take out the trash." I yell to him

He sits on the couch "Okay" he turns the TV on. I don't think he heard a word I said.

I walk into the house and see Johnny, Pony, Darry, and Dallas "Hey guys!" I say cheerfully

"Why are you so happy? It's three o' clock on a Monday" Dallas says lightning a cigarette

I sit down on the couch beside him "My best friend from California is coming to visit!" I'm so excited

"Wait is it that Dylan guy you told me about?" Johnny asks me

"No that's one of my other friends, the one coming to visit is Marshall." Johnny sits on the floor across from me

"The one you dated?" He says

"I mean yeah but we're still best friends" I reason

"So what's this guy like?" Ponyboy comes out of the kitchen

How do I describe him, he's so... much"He's really nice, funny, open, blunt, and unapologetic. He's great I absolutely love him."

Darry looks up from his newspaper "Are we going to get to meet him?" They all stare at me waiting for me to answer

"Depends." They look at me confused "Are you going to play nice?"

"Not even remotely." Dallas says, I punch his arm

"Then no." I say

"Oh come on that's just Dal, we'll be nice." Johnny gestures to himself, Pony, and Darry.

I would like it if Marshall met the gang "Fine but only for a little while." They say variations of 'yes!' and I laugh. This is going to be interesting.

     I look at my watch I've been hanging out with these guys for three hours already? Man time flies when your having fun— Soda comes bursting through the door with his shirt unbuttoned and he's covered in sweat and grime, I stare at his chest. He's got a pretty solid six-pack wow. "I got a raise!" He shouts, we cheer for him and give him hugs. "Let's go to the dingo to celebrate!" We excitedly get up and follow Soda outside, as we start to walk we increase our volume. Just hollering all the way down the street causing a ruckus,

We didn't care though we were just having fun hyping our friend up.

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Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 1258

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