| Council | 57 |

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I went home after Darry fixed my battery and took a painkiller, when it kicked in I was higher than the clouds. I sat listening to music for what I thought was twenty minutes but turned out to be three hours. Theo told me Marshall called and was coming out here in a couple of weeks. He was  also madder than a wet cat because I went out and got drunk, I got an hour long lecture from him he was basically just saying it worried him sick, it was stupid, I should have told him. I told him about the gun and that seemed to ease his nerves a little. He's also going to this council tonight with a few more of Shepards outfit and Shepard. When I told him I was going he called me stupid, which was true, I had to take a pain killer three hours before and was still loopy from it.

        Around six Theo got ready and instructed me to do the same. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt with rolled blue jeans and black sneakers, he looked really hood but that was the point. I threw on a black leather jacket, an Elvis shirt, and some ol' jeans and called it good enough. I had Theo put my hair into a braid because I 'couldn't find my skull'. Again, this medicine makes me dumb.

     Shepards outfit showed up and got Theo and I tagged along with them. Turns out Rusty's is a diner that's got a room for playing pool on the middle class side of town. When I showed up the whole gang was there, they were all shocked when I showed up, except Dallas.

Darry comes over to me "What on Gods green Earth are you doing here?"

"This is my war just as much as it is yours. I have a right to be here."

"Not when everyone wants to kill you!" Steve says

"Stacy, I get that this is your battle but it's simply too dangerous. You being here could start a fight." Darry says sternly "You can't be here."

I turn my head "Well I am. Do ya want me to walk back? Do ya want me to stay at home by my self all loopy?"

"No- How did you even know we were here?" Darry asks. I just point to my brother who's talking to people from Shepard's outfit. Darry sighs "Fine. You can stay. But I'm making you go outside when we start discussing the plans."

"Yippee" I laugh

Darry glares at me "Stacy.. are you drunk?"

I shake my head "Nope. That medicine they gave me at the pharmacy. Works real good, I can't even feel my nose." I smile wide "Should be wearing off soon though."

"Lord have mercy." He says under his breath and he starts walking back to Sodapop, Two-Bit and Dally.

I go to follow him but Steve grabs my wrist "I've got a question for you,"

"Ask it."

Hey narrowed his eyes "Why's Marshall planning on coming here in a couple weeks?" He crossed his arms

My eyes go wide "How do you know about that?" I whisper, I don't know why.

"Hannah told me. Now look I know Johnny's MIA but that's no excuse to go two-timing him with an old friend." He says angrily

I'm stunned by what he said. "I- you- buddy- what?" I rub my temples "C'mere." I grab his arm and pull him outside "You honestly think I would do that? I love Johnny, more than anyone, more than my family. If he never comes back I'll never date again. If he showed up in twenty years I'd be waiting. Marshall's coming here to try and protect me from Jesse! Cause he's back! And he wants me and wants Theo dead!"


I don't think I've ever been more offended before "-and another thing! If it weren't for Johnny I probably would even be standing here right now."

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