| Date | 23 |

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I had made a reservation for 7:30 under Greene at Armando's. It was the nicest place on this side of the train tracks and had a little bit of everything so I figured it'd be a good first date place.

It's weird to say I'm going on a first date considering I haven't been in a date in two years. But it's even weirder that it's Keith 'Two-Bit' Matthews. I don't know what I expect from tonight, I'm not really looking to date someone and I'm not even sure I really like him. And I told myself, 'If you don't like him, shoot your shot with Johnny and if you do make sure you're still friends.' And I was definitely planning on it.

The date was an hour away so I started getting ready. Because the restaurant is still on Grease territory you aren't exactly expected to dress very fancy, but I still wanted to. I put on a brown dress with a petticoat under it and with a cream colored blouse underneath the dress and some sheer tights and brown T-Strap pumps.

(I've decided I'm going to start putting pictures in whenever I talk about outfits

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(I've decided I'm going to start putting pictures in whenever I talk about outfits.)

I got Theo to help me with my hair, he always played with my hair growing up and he can do some really pretty things with it, he pulled the top part back, but leaving my bangs, into a couple braids that joined into one braid in the back and then straightened the waves out of the rest of my hair.

I was talking to him the whole time. It was great, I missed talking to him like this. Ever since we've moved he's been quieter, not as energetic as he normally is. But when he was in that bathroom Bobby-pinning and spraying my hair he was in his element and he was back to his old self again. He even helped me pick out my accessories.

He went rummaging through our mom's jewelry and found some suitable for me, he came back with just earrings. They were little gold balls with hanging gold teardrops on the ends. I asked why no bracelets or necklaces and he told me they didn't go with the outfit. I don't know whether to be insulted or amazed by the fact that he knows more about fashion than me.

I very quickly had to put on some makeup and grab my purse, I heard Two's T-Bird pull up outside and I didn't want to keep him waiting. I rushed downstairs and out the door.

Two-Bit was standing next to the passenger side door and wow. He cleans up nice. He was wearing a white button down, with the collar unbuttoned of course, a navy blue leather jacket and some blue jeans, clean, nice blue jeans. His hair looked particularly good as well, did he wash it and re-grease it for me?

When he saw me his mouth just about fell to the floor. I smiled. I love dressing up, just give me an excuse to do so and I 100% will. "Hey there pretty lady."

He opened the car door for me, "Why thank you fine gentleman." I said in a fancy accent. He chuckled and closed the door for me then got in and started driving.

We were both silent on the way to the restaurant, not a bad silence but a comfortable one. When 'I Get Around' by The Beach Boys came on the radio I started singing it full out, making Two laugh. He sung parts of the song in between laughs and when it ended we both ended up laughing our heads off.

He chuckled "So I take it you like The Beach Boys then huh?"

"No, I LOVE The Beach Boys." This made him laugh more "What?" I tried to be serious and pretend like it wasn't weird but I just ended up laughing with him.

We arrived at the restaurant and he helped me out of the car and we went inside. I checked in with my reservation and we got our table, we sat down and talked, just talked. I've never really talked to Two-Bit like this before, I really got to know him. I found out he has a baby sister who he adores, found out his mom works three jobs just so they can live in their house, discovered that he hates the color yellow, and that he wants to go to the beach one day. It felt like minutes had passed when we got our food, time seemed to slip away here.

The restaurant kind of had a little bit of everything and Two-Bit got a totally normal meal, Steak and a baked potato, but me? I got crab. Two was making fun of me because who gets crab in Oklahoma at the end of crab season? Me, that's who. I have an addiction to crab at this point, if a restaurant offers it, I will get it no questions asked. It's practically all I ate in San Francisco.

"Two I just want you to brace yourself because I'm about to rip into this crab in the most unladylike way possible." He just shook his head and laughed. I began eating and talking in between, I still don't know if I like him and the dates almost over.

Just as I was dreading we both finished our food and boxed up our leftovers. The check came and I payed with cash and told the waiter to keep the change. We exited the building and got back into his car

"Where to now?" He asked me. I shrugged "Okay ice cream it is." He pulled out of the parking lot and we went a couple blocks down the road and went to an ice cream parlor, we got ours to-go and ate in the car. Two got: 'Double chocolate brownie supreme' and I got : 'strawberry'. Two-Bit got it all over his face and he looked like a toddler. When we finished we were back to driving but this time to the Curtis's.

He parked on the side of the road and got out and came over to my side, he never failed to open the door for me.

We were standing about a foot away from each other "Tonight was really great" I said

"Yeah. . . It was." He smiled at me. Not one of his cheeky smirks or any of that, a genuine smile. I wish I saw it more. We just stared at each other for a moment. "Alright I gotta do this a least once." Wha- he grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me. His lips were soft and tasted like brownie, I only kissed him for a second before pulling away.

There was nothing for me. No sparks flying, no fireworks, no music, nothing. I felt bad. Two looked at me and his face was sad but he smiled. "Nothin'?" Did he read my mind? I shook my head. He let out a sigh.

I gave him a peck on the cheek and put my hands on his shoulders "Keith 'Two-Bit' Matthews you are my best friend and I can promise you from what I've seen tonight that any girl would be lucky to have you." And I meant it. I gave him a big hug and he hugged me back. "Now let's go inside and get ready for a plethora of jokes." He chuckled and went up to the house and walked in.

"Hey look there they are!" I think Steve said. Everyone in the room was happy but Johnny and Dallas. But Dallas has resting bitch face so no one cares about him.

"Wow Stacy! You look great!" Soda said, I thanked him and sat down on the couch between Dally and Steve.

No one asked how it went. I think they could tell because Two was very subdued. But there was something else that was... off. It was Johnny. He was beat to hell and back, his face was covered in cuts and he was shaking. When Johnny was out of the room I had asked what happened, his shit ass 'parents' had done this to him. That's why Dallas looks so unhappy too. I just wanted to reach over and wrap him in a hug and never let go. Hopefully he'll still show up tonight.

Early today before I had gone home I asked Johnny to me at our place in the lot at midnight. That's when I'm confessing to him. I don't care what happens.

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I've got the next few chapters written so expect an actual schedule for a little bit, I was thinking about releasing a chapter on Sunday at 7pm CST and Wednesday at 9pm CST but idk yet

Word count : 1475

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