| Jumped | 34 |

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I think I definitely had a minor concussion, I woke up and it was Wednesday. I felt so much better though. I wasn't sore anymore but my head was still killing me and I seriously needed food.

I got out of bed and very carefully started walking towards kitchen when I heard my brothers talking.

"What the hell am I going to do?" It's august, he sounds like he's crying

"I don't know! You got yourself into this, and you can get yourself out." Theo says harshly

"She's never gonna talk to me again!" What did he do?

"You've got to tell her. It'll be worse if she finds out from someone in her gang." Theo sounds so much like dad right now.

"What am I going to say?" Silence, I'm guessing Theo just shrugged "I cant just say, 'Hey sis y'know how I've been getting into trouble lately and we've been back and forth? Well guess what! I jumped your boyfriend and I don't know if he's okay!'" He lets out a laugh/sob

"WHAT" I scream and hurry down the stairs

August's mouth falls open and his go wide. He very slowly turns to me "Stacy I-"

I grab him by the shirt and slam him against the wall "What the hell did you do!" I am beyond angry.

Tears well up in his eyes "I'm sorry! I didn't know it was him till it was over!"

"Why were you jumping someone in the first place?"

"Because I was with Bob and he said it would be a ride of passage." I let him go.

"You are never seeing them again." He doesn't say anything "I'm going to see Johnny because I can't even look at you right now. Theo, make sure he doesn't go anywhere." My anger has subsided and changed to worry, Johnny better be okay.

I run faster than I've ever run before to the Curtis's. I don't know if he's there or not but if he isn't I'll have friends to help me look for him.

I knock on the door because I don't want to barge in. Steve answers it, he looks upset I go to say something but I'm cut off by Steve wrapping me in a hug.

He pulls away "He's okay, he was hurt pretty bad. He's been asking for you." My eyes well up

I walk into the house and I want to pass out. Johnny is lying on the couch bandaged to hell. I make my way to him and sit down in front of him on the floor. I put my hand in his

"Stacy?" His voice is so weak it hurts my heart.

"I'm here Johnny." I'm fighting tears. "I'm here."

I hear someone behind me say "let's give them a moment" and everyone walks out. I trace patterns on Johnny's hand and try not to cry.

"Sorry for worrying you." He says, it's barely audible.

"Hey there is no reason to apologize. I'm just glad you're okay and not in the hospital." I give him a very gentle kiss and rest my head on the side of the couch.

I ask the one question that's been replaying in my head "Do you know who it was?"

"No, it was a whole group of Socs, the one that did the most damage had rings on though." A least he doesn't know my brother was part of it. And I'm glad I know August doesn't wear rings.

"I am so sorry, I really am." I say

"Don't apologize, you didn't do this" yeah but my brother did.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Darry said I should be fine in a few days, not my face though, apparently I've got a nasty cut and it'll scar." I look to the giant bandage on his face that blocks one of his eyes. What happened to you August?

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