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I climbed the steps to the front door and knocked hopefully I'm not waking them up. I heard footsteps inside so hopefully they were already awake.

Soda opens the door "Hey Stacy what're you doing here?"

I shrug "Just felt like hanging out."

"Well come on in, we were just watching TV." I walk in and see Johnny, Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Darry scattered around.

"Whatcha watching?" I sit beside Johnny on the couch

"We're waiting for that Elvis special to start." Two-Bit says through a mouthful of food. Gross.

"Oh I love Elvis!" Two-Bit narrows his eyes at me

"Really?" I nod "Huh, I did not think of you as an Elvis fan."

"Yeah I love him, I actually went to one of his concerts once." Everyone stares at me

"No way really?" Pony asks me

"Yeah my dad won three front row tickets as part of a sweepstakes thing. And since me and my twin brother were the only ones who liked him my dad took us."

Soda turns to me "You have a twin brother?"

"Well I had a twin brother." His eyes go wide

"Oh, I'm sorry." He looks sad

"No it's okay I really- hey it's starting!" Everyone settles into the living room with Johnny, me, and Soda on the couch, Two-Bit and Pony on the floor, and Darry in his recliner.

The special opens with a recording of Elvis playing one of his songs on stage. When that ends it's like a documentary about Elvis, how he got his start, what made him famous, and his personal life, and a few performances mixed in. I'm so focused on the TV that I tune everything else out, I have my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I'm smiling the whole time it's playing, I love Elvis he's so cool, and he reminds me of Richard and dad. That night we saw Elvis was one of the best ones ever.

The special was about an hour long but it was really good. "That was so good." I said after it was over, standing up stretching my legs

"It really was, I had no idea about some of that stuff about his life." Two-Bit said getting off the floor "Hey Stacy you got any plans today?"

"Nope! Why?"

"Just wondering, hey where are your brothers?"

"Probably out trying to make friends," I grab a coke from the fridge "They want to have this big party on Friday and are trying to get people to come."

"You're having a party?" Darry asks me, I nod my head.

"I thought your mom didn't like us." Johnny says

"She's out of town so she doesn't know that it's happening," I sit back down on the couch and take a sip of my coke "You are all invited by the way, and you can bring whoever you want cause there is no telling if my brothers are gonna be able to find anyone."

"I'll be there!" Soda says

"Me too." Johnny adds on

"Me three!" Pony says as well

"Can I bring booze?" Two-Bit asks getting a drink out of the fridge.

"No, no alcohol." He lets out an exaggerated sigh and gives me a pouty face

"Pleaseeee? It'll be way more fun."

"No Two-Bit, I don't want my mom to come back to a house that reeks of beer."

Beach Babe | The Outsiders | Johnny CadeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang