| Yell | 16 |

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"Well... uhh" I was trying to come up with an excuse but my brain couldn't come up with anything.

Luckily Johnny and Two-Bit walked in which distracted Pony. Two struck up a conversation Pony so I started talking to Johnny. "You said your parents didn't like you staying out late. So why do you stay out with me?"

"Because I sneak out after they are asleep and get back before they wake up." He says matter-of-factly

"Oh. Y'know I wish your parents weren't so evil." If I ever meet his parents I might kill them

He sighs "Yeah me too"

I continue talking to him for a while till I froze in the middle of my sentence. How had I forgotten about the box!? I need to call mom now!
"Oh shit. . ." I whispered under my breath

"What?" Johnny asked me

"I gotta go! I'll tell you about it tonight!" I said goodbye and ran out, I quickly walked to my house how did I forget? Pony like just asked me about that. Do I have her number? I know Theo does.

I got to the house and made my way to the phone on the wall in the living room. I looked at the sticky notes placed around the phone with our various friends numbers, I eventually found it and dialed the number.

On the fifth ring she picked up "Hello?" Her voice rang out

"Hi mom"

"Oh my God Stacy! It's been so long I'm so glad you called me, I missed your voice! I've tried calling but you never answ-"

   It's crazy how in the span of a month I went from idolizing her to not wanting to talk to her at all. "Alright look" I cut her off "tell me why I found thousands of dollars under your dresser in a box?"

". . .What?" She's playing dumb? really?

"The box under your dresser filled with rolls upon rolls of money. Where'd it come from? Did you steal it?"

"Stacy! You really think I would steal?" She sounds pissed uh oh "For your information that's the money your grandmother left us. And some of it is from my job." Damn

I start picking at a piece of loose wallpaper "Okay but why is it here?"

"Because I'm not allowed to have my own bank account and your fathers gone. My job has to pay me in cash." She says blankly

"Oh. . . Hey what is your job by the way?"

"Nurse practitioner." What is that? "It's the head nurse, It's practically a doctor." She says reading my mind, she's always been annoyingly good at that.

"Have you always done that?"

"No, I was one up until I had you and your brothers. Then I was a stay at home mom. I've wanted to get back into it and since you three are almost grown I figured you could handle yourselves while I got my certification again and started working."

"So you abandoned us because you wanted a job?" She tries to say something but I keep talking "You couldn't find a job here? Or one with a not three year contract?!" I'm shouting but I don't care "I'm seventeen! I should be out partying not worrying about my brothers getting taken away if they get hurt or in legal trouble!"

I hear her sniffle "Look I'm sorry Stacy, this is one of the only places that was hiring that was worth it." Her voice catches and she takes a deep breath "If anything happens with your brothers I'll come home immediately. I don't know what else to say, I'm just sorry honey."

"Bye mom." I slam the phone back on the receiver.

      I started crying, I've been through enough. I shouldn't have to be dealing with this kind of stuff. I curled up into a ball on the floor and just cried. After awhile I heard footsteps and when I looked up I saw Theo standing with glossy eyes.

I stood up and quickly wiped my eyes "I'm sorry Stacy." He wrapped me in a quick hug.

I chuckled "You were listening to all that, huh?" He just looked around "I don't want to talk about it so what do you say we go and try to find and spy on  August?" He smiled

"Wasn't he with those guys? The ones your friends called super socs?"  I nod "how much you wanna bet he's doing something stupid?" I chuckle and shake my head

"Alright well let's go before the sun completely sets," we made our way to my truck and started driving. We decided to go back to the sears parking lot to see if they were still there.

"Is that them?" Theo pointed to a circle of four cars in the back of the parking lot. I saw the two cars from before but now there were two more, another mustang and a truck. In the middle all of the people from the cars, it looks like two of them were fighting and the others were cheering them on and drinking. I couldn't spot august from where we were.

I pulled into a nearby parking spot, but not close enough for it to be obvious. August was sitting on the hood of one of the cars and. . . Yeah, two guys were definitely fighting in the middle but it was more of a "see who would win" fight and not a real one. Plus they looked very drunk. Actually most people there looked drunk, besides August and a couple others.

"Man let's get outta here and do somethin' fun" Someone slurred out, there were shouts of agreement.

Another drunk yelled out "Let's go smashing!"

Augusts eyes were wide "What's that?"

"Well..." The blonde spoke up "we take this," he opened his car door and took a bat out from under his seat "drive down some greasy neighborhoods" he pulled the bat behind him and swung it straight at Augusts head but stopped right before it hit him "and smash their mailboxes!" He screamed. Him and all his buddies burst out laughing.

August rubbed the back of his neck "I- I don't know about that Bob. . ."

"Come on August! We'll even let you get the first swing in!" One of the sober crowd members yelled.

"Okay fine" he hopped off the car "who's car?"

"Mine and Jacobs" the one that I now know as Bob said "Jacob you still got your bat?" Someone nodded "Alright then if your coming pile in!"

        The two drivers went to their cars and put the tops down. August got into the passenger seat of Bobs  and too many people for my liking piled into those cars. In Bobs there was about 6 and in the other around 7. Bob yelled something I couldn't hear and he peeled out of the parking lot leaving tire marks on his way, the other car followed and the few stragglers got into another car and followed.

I turned to look at Theo who was already staring at me, eyes wide "Damn. Aussies' a little asshole."  Now I understand why the gang hates them.

I turned my key and started the car again and pulled out of the parking spot  "He's dead when he gets home." And I began driving.

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Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 1219

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