| Dinner | 28 |

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Theo came and told me we had about ten minutes before we needed to go. I sluggishly got out of my bed and went down the hall to the bathroom. I washed my face off, trying to erase the effects crying had on my face. I even pressed some ice cold spoons to my eyes to get the swelling down. Time to pretend nothing happened.

When it was time to go we all got in the truck and none of us said anything. When I picked Soda up, tensions had eased a little bit and Soda joking around with me was definitely helping. On the drive over I was going wayyy faster than I should've. Maybe I can drive my sadness away. I got to Roy's and slung the truck into a parking spot not caring about how badly I had parked.

When we went inside my mom and Clark had already gotten a table. They were sat in a big table in the back corner of the restaurant, which was already almost full. After I took a chair from another table for Soda, we sat down and joined them.

"So who's this?" My mom asked, I could tell she was already annoyed.

I grinned "Oh him? This is Sodapop Curtis, he's one of my best friends." Soda showed off that movie star smile of his.

She rolled her eyes "Anyway... now that everyone's here this is Clark! I've been dating him for about three months and thought you all should meet him." Yeah whatever- wait three months? She hasn't been gone that long. We haven't even lived here for three months! Something isn't adding up.

She continued "Clark that is my oldest Stacy," she points to me, he holds out his hand and I shake it

"The one next to her is my second oldest Theodore" they shake hands

"And this is August, my baby." Hes sitting in the chair next to her and she puts her arm around him

Clark gives us a smile "It's nice to meet you all." He's not a bad looking guy, he's got brown hair and green eyes made larger by his glasses. He's wearing a blazer, a button up with a sweater vest over, and some dress pants. (Imagine the teacher from school spirits)

"Oh and this is my daughter, Antoinette" he gestures to girl sitting beside him who looks to be about 5, there's no denying those two are related. They look extremely similar. Antoinette? Like Marie Antoinette?

She looks up from the kids menu she's coloring "It's Ann." She says, "I like Ann better." She's a cute kid, jet black hair in two braids with lime green ribbon mixed in with it, same brown eyes as Clark, and she's in a lime green dress with flowers on it.

"It's nice to meet you Ann" she nods "I like your hair." I say

She gives us the most adorable smile "Thank you! My mom did it."

Hearing that last bit my head snaps straight to my mom who's looking at me already. I look at her wide eyed about to say something when Clark steps in,

"No no. Nothing like that. Split custody." He says quickly

I relax after hearing that, and go to talking Soda. I can feel my mom glaring at me the whole time. I checked to make sure he's doing alright and it wasn't too awkward. He said "as long as I get free food I'm peachy" I don't blame him I'd do the same thing.

I talk to him till appetizers are served. And while we're eating Clark decided it was time to get to know Soda, alright mom. Time to decide if you tolerate my friends or if you need to go back to Texas.

After finishing his bite of nachos he directs his attention to Soda "So Soda, what do you plan to do after high school?"

"Oh uh... I'm not in high school. I dropped out." I cant tell if he feels ashamed or sad

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