2; sorry, i have a girlfriend

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"yes" he says as i take it. "thank you". i smile and put it on. we sit in comfortable silence for a few seconds and suddenly we hear someone behind us.

"look at george with the rizz" grace says and max shouts "go on george" and we all laugh. "no guys, i just needed a portable coat rack" george jokingly says. "nice to know i have a purpose" i shrug. "come on, we're going to freedom (the club)" max says. george rolls his eyes and stands up, he holds his hands out for me to stand up. "wow, what a gentleman" i joke. suddenly we're piling into a taxi and heading to soho. george gets in the front and me, max and grace get in the back.

we make it into the club and there's loads of other tiktokers in there and i feel a bit out of my depth as i know no one. i cling by grace's side until george asks me if i want a drink. i wasn't sure what i wanted so i head with george to the bar to give me extra time to think. as we get to the bar, this blonde girl comes up to george. "hi, um i think you're really fit. is that your girlfriend?" she points to me. "what, no" he says confused. "okay good, so can i get your number?" he looks panicked and it's slightly awkward. "umm, no sorry i have a girlfriend, she's just not here" he says. suddenly i feel really guilty, we have done nothing romantic at all, just spoke but he has a girlfriend and i'm wearing his jacket.

it remains silent between the two of us and i keep it that way until i thank him for the drink, hand him his jacket back and then head back to sit next to grace on the opposite end of the table to george. i now feel really conscious of the fact he has a girlfriend and i don't want to give any mixed signals. i sit at the table not really talking to anyone. i look down and can see 8 missed calls from my ex. my breathing becomes staggered and i feel panicky.

i decide to go outside for a smoke. i don't smoke regularly at all, just when i'm anxious and stressed and this week has been quite that and i'm not proud of it. i walk out the front and sit on a random bench. from afar, this was quite the depressing scene. a girl sat alone, freezing, on a random bench, having a smoke. i hear footsteps and don't take much notice, thinking someone else had the same idea as me. "you didn't strike me as a smoker" i hear george and i look up and faintly smile. "i shouldn't be. it's a stress thing. would probably be healthier to go to a rage room or something but here i am" i say, putting the cigarette out with my foot, conscious of the smoke. "you alright, you went quiet" he says. "yeah, i just have anxiety" i shrug. "ahh, thought someone had upset you". he says, sitting down. "not really but i don't wanna upset your girlfriend so keep a 2 foot gap" i try to joke. "girlfriend?" he looks at me confused. "you think i could have a girlfriend?" he laughs. "okay mr. self deprecation. you told that girl you had a girlfriend" i tell him. "ohhh, no. that was a lie to get her to go away" he says. "but would it be a problem if i did" he smirks. "what, no obviously not. george what are you trying to do here?" i laugh. "i don't know, i'm so drunk" he says and i can see his eyes becoming narrower. "i can tell". i laugh. my phone rings again and george notices. "don't give him the time of day" he says to me. i look down at my phone and want to answer but i take george's advice. "i know, it's just hard." i shrug. "yeah, i get that but us men are awful human beings" he says, "what, were you a crazy psycho ex too?" i ask. "nope, just trying to be nice, i'm a nice guy" he says in a sarcastic tone that makes me laugh. "god, i'm so ready to go to sleep" i say to change the topic. "same to be honest. but my bloody hotel is like a million miles away from here" george says. "wait you don't live in london?" i ask. "no, i still live in bristol but i'm trying to find a place out here" "no way, my brother's friend is just moving out so we actually have a room at his flat" i tell him. "i would love to deliberate this further but i don't think either of us will remember it tomorrow so i'll save your breath." he tells me and i laugh.

"i might head home" i say to him. "yeah good idea, who's going with you, grace?" he asks. "no i came alone" i tell him. "what so you're going to get a taxi home on your own?" he asks. "yes..." i say narrowing my eyes in confusion. "but like, creepy men" he says, too drunk to fully explain his thoughts. "i deal with them every day" i laugh, when it's really not funny but i'm more so laughing at george's execution of the line. "i'll come home with you" he says, slurring slightly. "umm not sure about that" i say. "noooo, i don't mean like that" he says, fighting for his life to defend the fact i definitely just got the wrong end of the stick. "i just mean i'll walk you home but in taxi form" he adds. "oh, good because i don't put out on the first night" i smirk. "who says i'd shag you anyways" he says jokingly. i make a reference to him earlier and pretend to clutch my chest in pain. "to be honest, you can probably crash on the sofa? saves you paying for a taxi all the way back and then tube back in the morning?" i say. "you're telling me i paid a fortune for a hotel to just stay at yours?" he questions. "well, i'm just trying to be nice. besides, i doubt you paid for that hotel, you deffo got it gifted". i smirk. "wow you're really undermining me as one of those influencers" he snaps back. "but yes, it might have been gifted... not the point" he sighs. "knew it" i laugh. "who's your brother anyways? what's his name?" george asks. "alex" i say. "okay and will alex mind if i crash on your sofa?" he asks. "well no, because i pay as much rent as he does, so i have as much say as he does" i smirk. "great, let's go then" he says, standing up.

we end up calling the taxi and it's at that point we realise we're about as drunk as each other and spend the whole journey laughing at stupid things. we pull up outside my apartment and i thank the driver and george pays. "that's your rent for the night" i tell him jokingly. we walk, or shall i say stumble up the stairs and suddenly i'm conscious of waking my brother and george m up so i tell george to be quiet. i manage to find the key and open the door and i've suddenly became conscious of the fact i have told george he can sleep here without any of the correct material to comply to this. i manage to find a spare duvet in a cupboard and give him the sofa pillows but i then realise he has no clothes. "shit, i have no clothes for you, i don't think alex's will fit and i don't want to wake him up" i whisper. "it's fine i can sleep naked" he says. "umm not on my sofa" i say, raising an eyebrow at him. "i was joking, it's fine i'll sleep in tshirt and boxers" he says and begins to get settled into his makeshift bed. "okay, night" i say and walk off to my room and i hear him quietly say it back, followed by immediate snores, showing me he had already fallen asleep.

out of the blue | george clarkeyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora