37; yeah, i was in prison for... manslaughter?!

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now my promo was done, it was time for my christmas present- a trip to paris. george kindly gifted me with tickets to paris for christmas so we could have a tiny bit of relaxation before heading fully back to work with content and album writing. after all the adrenaline of january, it was much needed. 

"are you ready?" george says as i enter the living room with my suitcase. i look down at his and it is much smaller than me. "jesus, are you moving there?" he jokes to me. "if you get on my nerves, maybe" i smirk and we leave and meet the uber outside. 

we make it to the airport with plenty of time and george has insisted that my case will be over the weight limit and i'm going to have to pay. the case goes onto the scales and watch the numbers tick over. 19.99KG. "told you!" i say pointing in george's face. "you literally made it by 00.01KG" he laughs. "still made it" i shrug as we watch our luggage be tagged and we walk off.  it was currently 9am, so we headed to wetherspoons and got breakfast, very classy of us. "the only place where it's appropriate to have a pint at 9am, a airport wetherspoons" george says as we walk into the pub. he sits down with his pint and gets the foam from the beer all round his mouth which makes me laugh.  

we had been busy since we woke up, i kind of forgot about the actual flying part. the nerves were coming to me but thankfully george was there to distract me on the plane he challenged me to another hand squeezing challenge just like south africa. the flight was so quick i couldn't even finish listening to my guest episode of the useless hotline, narcissist i know. 

we land and are thankfully one of the first to go through security so we're out by the luggage claim pretty quickly, so quickly that the luggage isn't even there yet so george and i decide to film a tiktok. we do the 'gossip mums' challenge him and arthur have done a few times but by making a fake story of how we met.

"yesterday i went to the shop to get some... FISH!" i scream as F appears on the screen, causing some stares from other people waiting for their luggage. 

it's then george's turn. "whilst i'm walking through the supermarket, i see a... yummy! young woman browsing the fish aisle. why the fuck did i say yummy?" he says as both of us are in hysterics at his quick decision on the word. 

"as i'm browsing the fish, i notice a... creepy" i accidentally press the screen twice and get O. "a creepy old man staring at me, turns out his name was george" i smirk, george looks jokingly offended. 

"i watched the creepy old man staring at the girl and thought wow i need to save her, but also what a weird coincidence we have the same name. so i walked over and said... 'i... i got here first! back off!' seemingly referring to the girl stood in between us". george says slightly confused at was has just come out of his own mouth, but clearing his own name. 

"i found myself in a creepy george sandwich, run i thought to myself. so i did, then got arrested for shoplifting and met george in prison" i shrug. 

"yeah, i was in prison for... manslaughter?! what?" george laughs at his own answer. 

soon enough, our luggage turned up and we made our way outside to a taxi. we drove through the parisian streets and were both staring out the windows like little kids, taking in all the buildings and sights. this was crazy, how was i in paris with the most perfect boy and finally at a happy place in my life.  

@elmslieupdated via instagram post!

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@elmslieupdated: elena and george spotted today in paris airport and on in the city!💌

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