36; am i hallucinating?

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following the major success of 'the blue' i'm currently sat in a meeting with all the people from my label to try figure out our next steps. "i think the best way to move forward now is to continue writing and release a full length album" one of the executives said to me. "that way we have enough material to submit for awards season and to think about putting together a tour" tour? i hadn't even thought about a tour, the thought of going tour was scary but also very exciting. "how many songs do you currently have?" someone else asks me. "well, we have finished the arthur hill collab and i think there's a couple that are like half finished and about 3 that are pretty much done" me and dan had really been in the writing groove lately and had been working on quite a few songs as i had hoped releasing an album would come next. "okay, so if you and dan keep working then an album is definitely feasible" that was the end of the meeting and to be honest, after a long day of meetings and recording i was excited to get back home to george.

i exit the lift and turn the key in the front door. i open the door and my nose is instantly hit with the smell of cooking. who the hell was cooking? alex can't even stop cheese on toast from burning and george has lived off deliveroo since he got to the flat. i walk round to the kitchen and am met with george cooking spaghetti. "what on earth is going on here? am i hallucinating?" i laugh. "well, hello to you too" george responds. "i'll have you know, i'm cooking actually. i thought i'd be a nice boyfriend and cook for you" he says. i pout my bottom lip out, "that is actually very sweet, thank you" i reach my arms around his neck and pull him into me and he smiles at me and puts his arms round my waist before i peck his lips. "what sauce are you cooking?" i ask hovering over his pan. "carbonara if that's okay, whack a bit of bacon in there, mix it all up and then bam! perfection" he explains his process. "wow, i'm genuinely impressed. why has it taken you so long to actually cook anything?" i ask. "well, up until an hour ago, i had no idea what i was doing" george says and i laugh, "for god sake"i face palm. "okay, well i need to go get dressed into comfier clothes so please don't burn the house down whilst i'm gone" i decide to give george one more peck before i leave. "love you" i say softly and he returns it. as we break away from the kiss, he tickles my sides making me scream and curl up. "yeah, get lost you're distracting my cooking process" he points to my bedroom.

i decide to also have a shower and get into my pyjamas, it was only 6pm but i had no other plans for today so why not?

as i walk back into the kitchen, i see the table has been laid with candles and the nice placemats. and dinner was sat waiting for me on the table, along with george. "ahh god, i feel bad i'm in my ugly pyjamas now. i didn't even put my fancy ones on" i laugh. "take a seat madam" he says as he pulls my seat out for me, i laugh and sit down and thank him. it was the little things i appreciated the most, this actually meant more to me than him taking me out to a fancy restaurant or spending loads of money on a takeaway because he actually put thought into it and the food was really nice. "i'm actually very impressed, this is very nice" i say to george. "damn it, i shouldn't have made it so good because now you're going to want it all the time" he says making me laugh, "too right".

we get onto the topic of my music, "how did the meeting go? what's next?" george asks me as he struggles to spin his spaghetti round his fork, making me laugh. "yeah it was good, long but productive. next step is album and then tour" i say nervously. "tour? that's exciting, no?" george questions. "yeah i suppose so, just going to be a weird experience, living on a tour bus performing to different crowds" i explain. "yeah but arthur just did his tour and said it was so much fun and if you bring the right people along with you, you'll have a great time" george says trying to reassure me. "true, which is exactly why you're not coming" i joke. "charming" george says rolling his eyes. "joking, i probably wouldn't survive without you there" i say back. "i mean i'm flattered but you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. you'd be just fine without me but i would be honoured to come with you" he says and leans across and kisses me.

a/n: more of a fluff filler chapter to apologise for the lack of uploads! more is coming, slowly but surely :)

out of the blue | george clarkeyWhere stories live. Discover now