49 I think?

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" I stare at Gerard from across the small wooden table, incredulous. I have a mug before my lips, pausing just before the decaf drink actually reaches my mouth, which currently hangs agape.

Gerard looks amused, sipping his own coffee before shrugging. "I'm just saying, Dave Grohl is kind of a musical god. He plays like every instrument known to man and he can sing."

Taking a deep breath, I set my mug down on the table. Then I narrow my eyes at Gerard. "He can sing," I admit. "But every Foo Fighters song sounds the same. Nirvana is obviously the superior band, and not just because Kurt's voice is a million times better. Which it definitely is."

"No arguments there," Gerard nods and swallows down another steaming gulp. "Kurt Cobain had something raw about him, Dave is too refined. But he's so much more musically versatile, which is fucking cool. He could be an entire band by himself."

I chew on my lip for a second and then sigh again. "That's true. But Nirvana is still better."

"Clearly." Gerard and I drink quietly for only a second before the serenity is shattered by the front door to the apartment crashing open, followed instantly by Mikey's voice.

"You two better be wearing clothes!" He announces and when he rounds the corner into the kitchen, feeling his way along, I see he's covering his eyes with one hand.

"We are both fully clothed," I inform him.

Mikey slowly lowers his hand, looking relieved when he sees I'm telling the truth. He glances between us for a long minute, his gaze seeming both intrusive and rude as it settles on me and then his brother. "You guys used the condom, right?"

I feel my face turn red and I glare at Mikey while Gerard's eyes widen at the question. "Fucking hell, Mikes," I groan. "There's this thing called privacy."

Mikey looks unfazed. He shrugs and claims the empty chair to my right. "You're the one that asked me for a condom in the first place." He grabs my coffee, taking a drink and then grimacing. "It's decaf," He states.

"I'm sixteen weeks pregnant," I remind him, gesturing to my ever-growing stomach as though he didn't already know. "Ray said caffeine was okay on occasion, but it makes them move around a lot and they were already kind of restless this morning."

Mikey grins at the statement. He abandons my coffee on the table and his full attention is on me. "You feel them?"

I nod. "Inside mostly," I say. "It's weird. But this morning I felt them on the outside."

Mikey beams again. He leans in closer and puts his hand on my stomach, pushing down a bit. Nothing happens for a minute and Mikey frowns. "I don't feel them. Dammit, Frankie! I want to feel them kick!"

I chuckle and shrug. "I can't make them kick if they don't want to."

Sighing dejectedly, Mikey retrieves his hand. "Have you been thinking of names?"

Another uncertain shrug from me. "I don't know," I admit. "I mean, I don't want to call them Melvis and Diamond, but nothing seems fitting, you know? They're special. They need special names."

"You could always revert back to the baby name book," Gerard suggests, but the smug smile on his lips reminds me of how we wound up with Melivis and Diamond in the first place.

I groan, rolling my eyes. "The name book was about as helpful as Mikey."

"Hey!" Mikey throws his arms up, looking offended. "I was helpful! More helpful than Bert and Josh at least."

The mention of the others surprises me. Since I had spent the past week keeping myself company in the otherwise vacant apartment, I hadn't seen much of anyone. "Where are they anyway?" I wonder.

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