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I lean across Josh’s lap, sticking my head out of the car window. Josh grunts when I land an elbow to his stomach, but I ignore his pain and wave frantically at Gerard. They refused to actually let me go in, so we were parked in the busy lot of some banal fast food chain-- Josh was instructed to wait in the car with me to make sure I didn’t make a break for it while Gerard and Bert went in to order. “Get me curly fries!” I command.

Gerard rolls his eyes, a gesture visible even halfway across the parking lot, and frowns. “It would not kill you to eat something healthy, Frank.”

I groan, pout, and then sigh when I see he’s not going to budge. “Fine, get me apples or something. But I want my fucking milkshake.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Gerard’s response is only just audible as I lean back into the car, watching as he and Bert retreat into the restaurant.

It’s just past noon and we’ve only just barely started our drive to Akron. After a hug from Donna and a promise to keep her updated, we left with my new collection of clothes in the trunk. So far, I had snacked on peanut M&M’s and Starbursts, but when Gerard had frowned unhappily and suggested we get some real food, we ended up here. Bert pointed out a Subway down the street, but I wasn’t really hungry anyway-- My morning sickness had started to subside, but I still felt queasy on the ride, so I refused.

Ray and Mikey had taken a separate car and had managed to lose us already. Luckily, Gerard had programmed the correct address into his GPS and we weren’t completely lost without them.

I’m playing with the stereo when Gerard and Bert come back with three bags of food. Gerard hands me a chocolate milkshake, which I begin slurping at instantly, as well as a bag. When I peer inside, I see a few bags of sliced apples and an order of curly fries. I grin, digging in while the others situate themselves-- Gerard nudges Josh and motions toward the passenger's seat before tossing the keys to Bert.

I cock an eyebrow as Gerard climbs into the backseat next to me. “You’re trusting Bert to drive your car?” I ask incredulously.

Gerard shrugs, a noncommittal gesture, while Bert twists in the front seat to look at me. “I’ll have you know, I am a very good driver,” He informs me, and then glances at Gerard with a smile. “Don’t worry, Gee baby. Your car is safe in my hands.”

Gerard grabs a fry from my bag, rolling his eyes and grumbling,“I’m beginning to regret this already.”

“Really?” I wonder. “Now is when you’re regretting this? Because I started regretting it as soon as the words “Bert is coming to Akron with us” left your mouth.”

Gerard shrugs, a halfway agreeable gesture, as Bert shifts into drive and the car pulls out of the spot. It’s only a few miles down the road, half a bag of apples gone, that my stomach starts to protest. I roll down the window a few inches, leaning over to get as much air as possible as it whirls through the car. It seems to whistle in my ears and I close my eyes, hearing nothing but the wind, the sound of cars passing every few seconds, the music just background noise through the speakers.

When I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up to see Gerard watching me, concerned. “You don’t look so good,” He comments. “You alright?”

I shift in my seat and shrug. I pull both legs up onto the seat and wrap my arms around my knees. “Carsick, I guess. Bert’s driving has that effect on me.”

I earn a middle finger from Bert but Gerard’s frown is replaced with a minute smile that forms on his lips. “Why don’t you sleep?” He suggests. “We’ve still got a long drive ahead of us.”

I shift again and grimace, not seeming able to get comfortable. Gerard chuckles, realizing this, and I feel his hand wrap around mine. I don’t fight the contact of his fingers pressing against my own, simply letting him pull me over to him. I lay against his shoulder, fidgeting for a second before resting my head on his lap instead. I grasp one of his hands, lacing our fingers together, while I feel him begin stroking a few fingers through my hair. I sigh in content and within moments I’m asleep.

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