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Water rushes over my body in searing streams, so hot it makes my vision blurry and my skin burn. There’s a dull, numb feeling under the burn, though, something that doesn’t seem to wash away with the water that swirls and disappears down the drain. My stomach protrudes only slightly, bulging in a tiny bump right in the front. A bump you wouldn’t otherwise see unless you knew there were two growing humans underneath.

I sigh, rolling my head back on my shoulders and exposing the flesh of my neck to the water pouring from the shower-head. It beats down on me in a rhythmic pattern, like rain hitting concrete. It clears my mind a little, but not nearly enough. I reach for the temperature valve and turn left, the water becoming even hotter.

I allow my eyes to close, succumbing to the pleasant burn and dull ache that washes over me with the steam. Of course, that’s when I hear a soft knock at the door. Leaning back slightly from the water, I peek around the shower curtain. “Yeah?”

A muffled voice comes back in response, but the words are lost through the wood and water. Shaking my head, I call back. “What?”

The door slowly cracks open and Gerard’s head appears, the steam clearing out a little. “I said, I have to pee,” He replies easily. He seems so unfazed by the fact that I’m bathing-- naked-- in a shower mere feet away. “Can I come in?”

I swallow hard and manage a small nod before letting the shower curtain slip back into place. Putting my head back under the shower-head, the water seems to swallow me whole, encompassing me in the calming sound and relaxing stream.

Something soft touches my hip and I immediately look down at myself, shocked and terrified when I see the pale skin of a hand. Not my own. Swallowing down the sudden lump in my throat, I try not to panic. Another hand joins the first on the opposite side. I can’t help but be mesmerized with the way the skin of these hands both clash and compare to my own. Only a slightly paler shade, pink with the hot water now rushing over the two of us.

“Gerard--” I start to argue because there’s a small, logical part of my brain that is screaming at me that this is not okay-- My best friend’s brother is in the shower with me! But then his breath hits my neck, followed shortly by his lips. It’s barely even there, just a small graze of his skin against mine, a soft hum and sigh in content, but it’s enough to make my thoughts stop completely. I can feel his chest pressed against my back, fitting almost perfectly in place and sending shivers down my spine. And this time, when I say his name, it takes the form of a moan.

“Fuck, Gerard…” I can’t seem to form coherent thoughts. My head is spinning, my body aching with his touch, the sudden desire swelling like a balloon in the pit of my stomach. It’s intoxicating and I breathe him in with the steam. I lean back into him, my arms raising to circle around behind his neck, my fingers tangling with the black hair that hangs there. His lips are trailing across my skin and his hands are moving down, tracing over the curve of my hips, the line of hair that urges him even farther. My nails dig into his neck at the same time that he bites down on the hollow space of my collarbone, his hand tightening around my growing member and stroking up the length. I can’t contain the gasp that leaves my lips because… fucking hell, this feels good. My mind is blank of every rational thought, replaced with the pure ecstasy flooding my veins. This is wrong, so fucking wrong… But I can’t think of that now. Right now, I can focus on nothing but his hand around my dick and his lips on my skin and the building knot of pleasure twisting in my gut.

I bite down hard on my lip, stifling the moans that echo too loud off the bathroom walls. Gerard’s lips are trailing slick up my throat, his tongue twirling in captivating patterns while his teeth barely graze flesh, back up to my ear. He places gentle kisses there every few seconds. “Come on, Frankie. I want to hear you. I want to hear you moaning. Panting. Begging. I want you to fucking scream my name.”

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