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Mikey's still asleep on the bed next to me when the sunlight pouring in through the window drags me into consciousness. His head is buried under the blankets he hoards, tangled like a cocoon around him and lost in the mass of covers, leaving me with a single sheet that drapes over my body. I roll my eyes and shove him over to his own side of the bed. His only reaction is an unconscious grumble as he pulls the blankets even closer.

Glancing at the alarm clock, I realize it's just past nine. It seems like as good of time as any to wake up and I throw the sheet over onto Mikey's collection, pushing myself to my feet and wobbling unsteadily for a second. My hands immediately come to rest on my stomach, a habit I've picked up rather quickly in the past few weeks, and suddenly I wish I could feel them. More than the bump that protrudes in front of me. I want to feel them moving around, wiggling and growing. I freeze, refusing to move a muscle or even breathe, but nothing happens and I sigh heavily before heading downstairs, somewhat dejectedly.

The house is practically vacant, which doesn't really surprise me. After a moment's thought, I remember today is a Tuesday; both of the Way parents have work and, since Mikey's still passed out upstairs, the only other person home is Gerard. As I wander into the kitchen, I find him.

Gerard is sitting at the table, leaning back with a mug of what I suppose is coffee pressed to his lips. He's facing me, another person across the table from him; With their back turned, all I see is a mess of tangled brown hair. But when Gerard's eyes land on me, he smiles and sits up straighter, causing the other person to face me as well.

"Hey Frankie," Gerard says, setting down his mug and gesturing lazily to his company. "This is Ray."

The stranger is watching me with a soft hazel gaze, a small smile on his full lips. He looks nice, but I'm cautious, folding my arms across my chest and wishing I had grabbed a shirt. I feel self conscious suddenly. "Hi," I mumble in response, not even bothering to fake a smile.

Ray studies me for a minute longer before narrowing his eyes and stating, "I thought you'd be taller."

Slightly offended, I raise an eyebrow and look at Gerard. "He's an ass," I tell him. "Send him home."

But Gerard just laughs and shakes his head. "Can't," He replies. "Unless of course you would prefer to go back to Dr. Webb."

Now it's my turn to narrow my eyes, but eventually I sigh and extend a hand to Ray. He shakes it absently, glancing behind me before meeting my gaze again. "So where's Mikey?" His voice sounds mostly nonchalant, but the look in his eyes is one I can't place; Anxious, verging on excitement, maybe?

I shrug and slide into the seat next to Gerard. "He was still asleep when I came down."

Ray inhales and nods curtly, looking kind of relieved, then his focus is back on me. I reach across the small table and take Gerard's mug, only just getting it to my lips when he reaches out and snatches it back. "Caffeine," He reminds me, taking it from my hands and leaving me pouting.

Ray waves a hand at us dismissively, taking a drink from his own mug. "You can still have caffeine," He informs me. "In moderation. That whole "it's bad for pregnancy thing" is kind of bullshit. Just don't overdo it."

Grinning and sitting up straighter, I grab the drink back. I decide I like Ray. Gerard watches me in amusement as I down half of the mug in one go, barely tasting it enough to realize it's black, but not really caring.

When I'm satisfied, I sigh in content and set down the empty mug, which Gerard promptly retrieves and goes back to refill. I lean back and look at Ray. I take in his stocky appearance, the broad shoulders and soft expression, the Metallica shirt and blue jeans. I'm not exactly keen on trusting anyone, not after my publicity stunt yesterday that landed me locked in a mall bathroom with reporters harassing me, but Mikey and Gerard trust him, and I trust them. So I sigh and bite down on my lip. "So you're my new doctor?"

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