TwEnTy...NiNe (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥

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"I'm going to castrate you." I glare at the older boy from my perch on the uncomfortable cot.

"Frank, it's not that big of a deal." Mikey rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest.

"Okay, smile Mommy Frank! Now move your arms." Josh nudges my arms, which are still clasped tightly around my stomach, protecting it from the camera that Josh shoves into my face. "I said move your damn arms before I rip them off and beat you with them." Somehow, Josh manages to peel the limbs away from me, lifting my shirt with one hand and balancing the camera at just the right angle with the other. He grins. "Aww, look! That's my little niece or nephew in there!" He turns the recorder on himself. "Hi, Baby Baker! I'm your Uncle Josh!"

"You're not even my brother," I argue. 

Josh flashes me a glare. "Fuck off, twat. I'm still an uncle."

I sigh, looking back to Mikey. "Why the hell did you tell Josh we were coming to the clinic?" I ask. It was bad enough that Gerard, Mikey, and I were crammed into the small room awaiting the ultrasound, but since Mikey had opened his big mouth, Josh was now tagging along as well. Even worse, he claimed he needed to document the entire experience, hence the camera he was swinging around.

"Alright, excuse me." The quiet voice comes from a petite woman who steps around my friends. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees me sitting on the cot. The smile on her dark lips falters and she looks around the room. "Umm, I'm sorry," She mumbles. "I think you boys have the wrong room. This is the ultrasound room."

"Nope," Josh says, fiddling with the buttons on his camera. "We're in the right place."

The woman nods slightly, still looking confused. "Then where is my Ms. Iero?"

"It's Mister," I speak up, blushing and raising my hand. "Frank Iero."

The woman sighs, putting a hand on her hip and watching me without humor. "Young man, I do not take well to pranks. This is a very serious clinic and--"

"With all due respect, Miss," Gerard interjects. "This isn't a prank. Frank here had an ultrasound yesterday that showed he was pregnant. We just want a second opinion."

The woman sighs again and looks at the clock on the wall. "Alright. But let's hurry this up. I have serious patients to tend to."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes-- She doesn't understand just how serious I am. But I remain silent and scoot back on the uncomfortable table. I lift my shirt and lay back, feeling Mikey's presence next to me, Gerard standing next to him. "Michael, move your ass. It's in the way." Josh nudges Mikey with his shoulder, knocking the scrawny boy over and squeezing between the brothers to get a better view. The little red light is still on and I turn my head away from him, not wanting to be filming this at the moment. I just want to get this over with.

I watch as the woman produces a tube, similar to the one Doctor Webb used yesterday. She mimics the motions silently, squeezing the gel onto my stomach and immediately pressing the probe against it. Smearing it around, she presses down. I have to pee, feeling her push down on my bladder, but don't move.

"Oh my..." The woman mumbles and I look back.

I shift, trying to get a glimpse of the screen, but only just failing. "What?" I ask impatiently. "Do you see anything?"

"Is that a baby?" Josh speaks up. He leans closer to the screen, his eyes widening. Mikey's face mirrors the surprise and he looks down at me.

"Is it there again?" I demand. "The heartbeat. Is it still there?"

I feel a hand on mine and look down to see Gerard's placed on top of it. "Yeah, it's still there."

I sigh, letting my fall back onto the mattress. "But how--" The woman looks down at me, shock playing across her features. "That's impossible."

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