Beginning of the scenarios (2)

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Since it contradicted with his principles, Klein hesitated a little then coldly realized that they would die anyway.

Staring at the ugliness of humanity with his own eyes, Klein stood up and took a demigod-level charm from the pores of history.

Then, he poured spiritually into it and threw it to the other end of the cabin, instantly killing everyone.

[You have killed a living thing.]

[100 coins have been earned as additional compensation.]

[You have killed a living thing.]

[100 coins have been earned as additional compensation.]

[A large number of coins has been acquired! Do you want to check the coin usage tips?]

Multiple messages bombarded his ears.

A lot, and a lot of them; reminding him how many people he had killed.

Due to the lack of more participants, the scenario automatically ended.

Had he become able to indifferently kill innocents now?

Violating his bottom line so easily, Klein plunged a little more into madness. But that didn't matter, he had been prepared to lose himself since he went to sleep anyway.

...Right, that didn't matter.

It was only a little sacrifice...

Even though his spiritual intuition and reason were crazily warning him otherwise, Klein ignored it.

Kim Namwoon, Lee Hyunsung... People who were supposed to survive were dead.

...It was also the same for those who weren't supposed to survive.

Yoo Sanga, Lee Gilyoung, even himself... The Oldest Dream gazed down at the spot were his companions previously were and couldn't help silently putting the Lord of Mysteries on his blacklist until Xin Jian reminded him that his beloved sunfish in the next cabin was also a psychopath, even worse than the mentally ill Klein, so the Oldest Dream benevolently removed him from his blacklist for his new companion's sake. (Anyway, who of the two would even win if they fought was also a question; because even though Kim Dokja was an Outer God, Klein was a Pillar).

[Paid settlement will begin.]

On a screen, the situation of another place was broadcast.

Hearing the sound, Klein lazily turned his head towards it. It showed a classroom where girls in their navy blue uniforms were shaking.

Beep beep beep beep―An ominous beeping sound was heard then the high school girls started to scream.

[The given time has run out.]

[Paid settlement will begin.]

Once the announcement ended, the heads of the high school girls sitting in the front row exploded.

One by one, one by one again... More and more heads exploded. The high school girls screamed and ran toward the classroom doors and windows.

"Ahh, uh, how―"

Cleaning tools broke and nails were torn out, but the doors didn't open. No one could get out.

Peong, peeong. The heads of the high school girls continued to burst. Then a high school girl strangled her friend, who died with a groan. After a while, the only thing that remained on the screen was the last high school girl looking around.

[#Bay23515 channel. Daepong Girls' High School, Year 2 Class B survivor: Lee Jihye.]

At the same time, a mass of messages continued to assault Klein's senses.

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