Something isn't right (1)

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Through the window, Cale noticed the monsters outside, marking the start of the apocalypse, and his gaze sank.

He was fed up with fighting monsters but now he would have to do it once again.

Around the mysterious man, blood had splashed on the floor, windows and walls.

Body parts were scattered on the ground and the corpses were unrecognizable. Yoo Jonghyuk didn't know if there were people he knew among them.

As he stared at the gruesome scene, the regressor recalled some distant memories.

They were memories of his first meeting with Kim Dokja in the 3rd round.

["You, how the hell are you alive?"]

["I'm sorry but you are younger than me, pro gamer Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi. Therefore, you should be the one using honorifics."]

["...You know me?"]

["You are famous. At one time, I was a fan."]

["How did you survive on the subway?"

"Will you spare me if I answer?"

"I'll see."]

["...You cleared the scenario by killing insects?"]

["You have keen eyes. How did you know there were insects in the carriage?"]

["An explosion."


"I was able to find an insect due to an explosion from the carriage in front."

"Explain it in a simpler manner."]

Yoo Jonghyuk felt choked as he remembered Kim Dokja's words.

As that time, the man had said..

["When the explosion occurred, a kid fell and dropped his insect collecting net. I picked it up by chance."

"...It is a suspicious coincidence."

"Coincidences are always suspicious. If you don't believe me, ask the people beyond the ward. The boy standing there dropped the net."]

Yoo Jonghyuk wondered if Kim Dokja wasn't able to survive because he didn't cause an explosion that made him discover the grasshoppers.

Only at this moment did he realize that if Kim Dokja had indeed told him the truth then it would be his fault that he didn't survive in this round. However, he didn't know that he wasn't the reason why Kim Dokja wasn't alive, since the latter wouldn't have lived even if everything had been the same as the third round due to not having read Ways of Survival.

The 'Kim Dokja' he knew had only existed in the third (1864th) round.

The regressor turned his gaze to the person he had never seen before.

It was a young man in a black suit with dark brown eyes and short black hair. He had soft facial features and seemed to be Chinese. If Yoo Jonghyuk looked at him closely, he could even see that the man was wearing wireless headphones.

However, the strangest aspect was that the man didn't wear any shoes and the soles of his feet were covered in dry blood.

Klein turned his gaze to them and made a polite smile. He didn't want to act scared when he was already much more powerful than them.

Moreover, he had a lot of experience in acting as a lofty and mysterious existence.

In the flying train, Xin Jian turned to the Oldest Dream.

"Wait, wait."

The Oldest Dream sighed.

"What is it again?"

Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World (Final Revision)Where stories live. Discover now