Something isn't right (3)

383 27 10

The crimson-haired teenager pulled down his hood even lower and used Sound of the Wind to arrive at the orphanage faster.

He passed by the empty streets filled with poisonous fog and sometimes met monsters. However, the monsters didn't attack him and ignored him.

Soon, night arrived and Cale decided to take a break in a nearby convenience store.

'There should be one around here...'

He saw the building he was searching for and entered it.

Unexpectedly, the glass doors at the entrance were broken. Someone seemed to have already looted the place.

The crimson-haired man avoided the glass shards on the ground and entered the dark convenient store.

[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' murmurs that the place is creepy.]

Xin Jian who can't send messages anymore: Yeah, right?

Cale used Fire of Destruction to create a spark and lit up the surroundings before stepping forward into the darkness.

As he illuminated the way, the teenager frowned.

He saw that the store's shelves had been turned over, scattering their contents everywhere and making it harder to walk around.

Cale made the flame in his hand bigger to be able to see more of the place.

Suddenly, he stepped on something sticky and lowered his head.

It was blood.

Cale hesitated to go further, doubting whether this was really a safe place to spend the night, but decided to continue. Other places shouldn't be much different anyway.

Since he already had a lot of experience surviving through an apocalypse in his time as Kim Rok Soo, he picked up his pace and headed to the back door where the storage room should be until he hit something.

The teenager frowned harder as he noticed a head rolling near his feet, its eyeballs sticking out.

Suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder.

Cale kept a stoic face and tried to maintain his composure as goosebumps appeared all over his body.

Then, he slowly turned his head and was met face to face with the empty eye sockets of a rotting corpse.

With his movement, the body fell on him. It should have been standing against the wall when it died and Cale had made him fall by moving away the head which originally supported its feet.

The corpse's head detached itself from the corpse, approaching Cale's face as the man stepped back in disgust and pushed the dead body away from him.

Cale had now another traumatic event he didn't want to remember.

[The constellation 'Believer in Mysteries' comments that this is a zombie apocalypse.]

[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' agrees.]

[The constellation 'Believer in Mysteries' realizes that she is able to send messages once again and leaves to the channel where Yoo Jonghyuk is to cause trouble.]

[The constellation 'Believer in Mysteries' was unfortunately dragged away by her boss and couldn't do anything.]

[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' empathizes with your predicament.]

[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' chuckles and says that she'll wait for you there.]

Annoyed, Cale checked that the walls weren't made of wood and burned everything around him, successfully triggering the fire alarm and making water pour down into the room.

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