Final battle (1)

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While Han Sooyoung was distracted by Yoo Jonghyuk, Zhou Mingrui seized the opportunity to walk in front of the door.

Then, he inserted the silver key into the keyhole and turned it to unlock the door.


However, no matter how many times he turned it, the key seemed to have no effect.

Zhou Mingrui frowned.

Why wouldn't it open?

Wasn't it the key they needed to open it?

He turned his head to Xin Jian who was staring at him, leaning against the wall.

"Are you sure this is the right door?"


Xin Jian add anything more.

Then why wasn't it opening?

Zhou Mingrui looked down at the key in his hand, a strange feeling in his heart.

When she fought him in the past, Xin Jian had displayed powers of the three pathways.

An angel.

An apparent connection to Sefirah Castle.

Amon seemed more interested in getting on her side than obtaining Sefirah Castle.

She can be substituted with the Lord of Mysteries.

Unexplainable thoughts crossed through his mind.

Why would he think of this at that moment?

What did it have to do with a silver key?

What did Xin Jian-

He paused.

He had a feeling.

These elements that had nothing to do with each other were somehow connected.

His heart was beating faster, as if to tell him it was the answer.

It was as if something inside him was controlling his thoughts.

What if-

An unknown memory appeared in his mind.

He saw the images of a silver key with a clover-shaped end.

["So, the Error uniqueness created a bug and grabbed a soul from somewhere which is now above Sefirah Castle?"]

An Error Uniqueness with living characteristics.

Zhou Mingrui slowly turned toward Xin Jian.

What if...

["Xin Jian. Your name will be Xin Jian. It means heart and key, together it means the key to the heart."]


His eyes crossed Xin Jian's.

"The silver key was you, wasn't it?"

Xin Jian's eyes widened.


She was extremely shocked and questioned her ears.

This wasn't something that the current 'Zhou Mingrui' was supposed to know.

He shouldn't remember this since they weren't part of his memories, but someone else's.

Xin Jian repeated, her expression becoming serious.

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Mingrui felt that the faint urgency in her voice was strange but explained himself.

Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World (Final Revision)Where stories live. Discover now