Deadly flower (5)

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"Cough cough!"

Yoo Jonghyuk was on the verge of dying.

As he continued to repeatedly cough up flower petals, he was glad that Yoo Mia was elsewhere at the moment.

By his side, Lee Jihye worriedly called out to him.

"Master! Master!"

She was worried to see her usually strong master in such a state.

At that moment, he felt it. His death was near.

Struggling to breathe, he repressed the coughing and maintained a normal expression, gazing at his student for the last time.

"Lee Jihye."

The high school girl was relieved when her master returned to 'normal' and accepted the mission she was given, glancing behind her a last time in concern.

After sending her away, Yoo Jonghyuk gritted his teeth and managed to move away from his spot, hiding behind a building so that Lee Jihye wouldn't find him right away when she came back.

Yoo Jonghyuk finally couldn't hold back and collapsed, losing strength.

"Cough cough cough!"

Petals after petals fell to the ground in quick succession.

The coughing continued even harder, blood pouring out from his mouth as he choked.

As he died, thoughts went through his mind.

He thought about his companions in this round. Lee Jihye and Yoo Mia would be very sad when they'd learn of his death. Would Lee Seolhwa mourn him this time?

Would the rounds he had abandoned be destroyed? If he succeeded in the next round, then what about this one?

Invisible chains coiled around him like snakes, putting pressure on his chest when it was already difficult to breathe.

If he was indeed able to reach the end of the scenarios one day, what about the rounds he had left behind?

It was like the devil was whispering in his mind as familiar thoughts continued to hunt him.

That when he regressed, the Lee Jihye, Yoo Mia and Lee Seolhwa of this round would eventually die in the scenarios.

For him to reach an ending, so many world lines were sacrificed. Would it be better if the previous rounds stopped to exist altogether each time he regressed?

'I am the only living being in this world.'

The others had died countless times because he failed to save them, he had seen their deaths with his own eyes, so were they really still alive?

If they could simply be brought back to life by regressing, how did it matter if they were alive or dead?

Sometimes Yoo Jonghyuk had these thoughts.

However, there was one person who hadn't be brought back, and he was the one responsible for his current predicament.

Yoo Jonghyuk was about to die. He couldn't even say goodbye anymore, nor give them an apology.

Would Lee Jihye resent him for leaving her behind?

He knew that all the happy memories of this round would be erased again, and when he would wake up his companions wouldn't even know who he was.

As a regressor, joyful moments were a burden more than anything, a weight that brought him deeper into the abyss.

Strange thoughts came to mind as he recalled this round. He thought he was accustomed to death already, but that didn't seem to be the case.

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