An in-depth study of Gehrman (2)

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Even though there was no way his divination was disturbed as a Great Old One, there was still a chance that Anderson was corrupted. Anyway, the hunter wasn't supposed to be here now.

Gehrman threw a weak air bullet toward Anderson as a warning shot, which the latter barely managed to evade.

Anderson understood the hint and stopped walking toward him.

"Why are you here now?" Gehrman demanded, ready to deal with the other man at any moment.

A smile on his face, Anderson raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

"Calm down. I mean no harm, I swear."

Gehrman continued to coldly stare at him, unmoved.

"Actually, I was generously accepting the bounties of some pirates who had come to find me to start a fight, when..."

Gehrman internally deadpanned as Anderson began a long story about how he repeatedly suffered from bad luck and fell into life-threatening situations because he had provoked Beyonders stronger than him.

To maintain Gehrman's image, he stopped him.

"Go to the point."

Feeling his spiritual intuition warning him, Anderson chuckled dryly.

"Okay, okay. So, before opening my eyes here, my last memory was of that priest staring at my ordinarily handsome face before I lost consciousness."


Gehrman didn't completely let down his guard, but if it was the Ancient Sun God, he would indeed have the power to send Anderson here... But for what motive?

'So his long rant earlier really had nothing to do with the conclusion.'

Gehrman was slightly impressed that Anderson was still trying to provoke him in this situation.

"Did 'he' say anything before you lost consciousness?"

Anderson noticed the pronoun Gehrman had used but wasn't surprised that the priest was an angel.

He recalled the priest's last words to him.

"He said something about an attempt and me being a test subject to try to reach someone named mysteries."

Gehrman understood what happened.

'They want to send others here?'

Anderson's presence was indeed due to that man's bad luck. Maybe even a buff from an angel of fate wouldn't be able to cure it.

Or had the hunter succeeded in unconsciously provoking the Ancient Sun God without realizing it?

In that case, Anderson would be really skilled.

As he thought of this, Gehrman's gaze lingered on Anderson.

"What? Are you admiring my ordinarily handsome face?"

As these words, Gehrman tore his gaze away. Anderson was really going to die somewhere at this rate if he continued to blindly provoke everyone. He didn't even look like he was trying.

His flag in hand, he began to walk away then looked back at Anderson.

"Will you follow me or do you intend to stay here?"

Anderson smiled and caught up to him.

"I was curious about what you were up to and wondering how to figure it out but I didn't expect you to invite me."

'I didn't invite you, I only presented you with two choices.' Gehrman lampooned.

Moreover, he couldn't let that fellow here when who knows how much trouble he would cause with his bad luck.

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